✧ ass - grayson

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ethan and grayson were in the process of making a video. you liked to play in the foam pit silently while they filmed, and sometimes throw blocks at them.

"hey guys!" grayson shouted. "hai!" ethan said in a baby voice.

- skip 7 minutes later -

"okay never have i ever... uhh..." ethan said.

you tried to climb your way at the bottom of the foam pit, and it was pitch black. you took out your phone to used a flashlight.

you kept digging your way. until you couldn't move. "grayson!" you yelled.

you heard ethan laugh, and grayson too. "what [y/n]?"

"i'm a bit... stuck..." you said. you heard rustling, and then grayson jumped in the foam pit. ethan jumped in too. "where are you?" he laughed. "i have no clue." you said blankly.

grayson stuck his hand into the foam pit, and swished it around. he went deeper, until his hand felt something.

it was your butt, and grayson didn't know. "is this you [y/n]?"

"yeah! but uh, it's my ass your touching." you said.

graysons face went red, as ethan laughed from the embarrassment his brother was receiving.

"sorry." he gave a sheepish smile. he stuck his other hand down the foam pit, moving blocks to the side. now both hands were on your ass.

he smirked as he squeezed your butt harshly. "ouch! grayson stop being an asshole and pull me out."

"you having fun down there, [y/n]?" ethan asked. "i wish you can see my face right now, e-tee-wee-tee."

"hey! don't call me that [a nickname you hate]"

you scoffed. "hey gray, since [y/n] called me that stupid nickname, you should slap her ass." ethan suggested.

silence filled the room. grayson nodded and he mouthed 'okay'.

"no!" you tried to wiggle away, but graysons grip was tight. he raised his right hand up from your ass, and then harshly down again. "grayson!" you yelped.

"okay okay, i'm done." grayson laughed. he pulled your body upwards, and soon your head popped out of the foam pit. you could see ethan and grayson chuckling.

"yeah yeah so funny."

"haha, okay we're done joking around." ethan laughed. "gray we gotta finish this video," ethan climbed out of the pit.

"i'll be there in a minute!" grayson called. ethan nodded.

grayson pulled you closer to him, squeezing your ass. "baby, did i ever tell you that you have a nice ass?" he whispered in your ear.

"g-gray stop it."

he laughed darkly in your ear, before kissing your cheek. his hands explored your butt, from top to bottom.
welp, that was a dirty kinda one. lmao
word count: 448

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