✧ my angel - ethan

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e's p.o.v

i sat next to y/n in her hospital bed. she was in a coma, and she might not ever come out of it. there's only a 1% chance she will.

she's been in a coma for about three months. the doctors are recommending for me to pull the plug, because her procedure is getting really expensive. they're keeping her alive, but if they stop she dies. if they continue doing what they're doing, she's not gonna make any improvement.

my final decision has came.

i hovered over her, staring at her pale face and her closed eyes. the only noise was me breathing and monitors beeping.

"y/n, baby," i began.

"you've been in this coma for three whole months. you're not improving baby. i think it's best you go now. putting an end to your suffering, so you can be in a much better place. how does that sound?" tears built up in my eyes as those words spilled off my tongue.

"it's time to let you go," i said.

"just let go," i put my hand on the thick plug.

third person p.o.v

y/n could always hear ethan, but only in parts.

she always had wild dreams.

in her current one, she's struggling to get back to the surface, as she's underwater.

she's climbing a silver chain, using with all her strength to get back up to the surface, the sun being noticeable now. the sun only encouraged her more to keep going.

all of a sudden, ethans face faded into the top of the water, as is he was looking down into it. y/n stopped pulling herself up and stared at him in awe.

"y/n, baby," his voice spoke. she missed his voice so much. his pink lips curled into a smile.

"you're not improving baby, it's best you go now." he said.

"w-what?" she panicked, water filling her lungs.

"putting an end to your suffering, so you could be in a much better place. how does that sound?" ethan questioned.

"just let go,"

and with those words, y/n let go of the chain. her body floating down into the deep dark sea, ethans face dissolving.

"i love you, my angel." was the last words y/n heard.


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