✧ people change 2 - grayson

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it's currently 12 am.

i get a phone call from an unknown number.

"hello?" my voice cracks.

"i know you need space right now, i'm sorry i know it's late, but i got something to say,"

"it's going to be okay."

"all okay."

"who's this?" i ask.


the call ends.


i put my phone down in awe.


my heart was filled with a weird feeling, a feeling i kind of like. i instantly got up from my bed and went to my window, unlocking it and climbing through.

my body was inches away from the edge, and my feet began to tingle. heights weren't necessarily my thing.

i looked into the distance in front of me, to see a dark tall figure walking away.

i couldn't make out who it was, i got my flashlight from my phone and pointed it at the figure.

the persons face looked towards me, terrified. i squinted my eyes to make out the facial features. thick arched brows, button nose, plump pink lips, and a birthmark on the chin.


my fear of heights disappeared as i jumped off from the ledge and fell onto the ground. grayson saw me and began running.

i got up and ran with all my strength, all my power, everything i had in me. my legs began to burn as my hair was flying back.

grayson ran out of breath as he began to slow down. this encouraged me to go even faster.

i then caught up to him and threw my hands around him, making us both fall. my eyes built up in tears as i dug my face in his chest. he was stiff, but eventually he hugged back.

"why are you hugging me, y/n?"

"i-i-i dunno. it feels right." i pant.


ethan walks up to y/n's house, crying silently. he had a small box in his hoodie pocket.

he knocked on the front door, only to find it was unlocked and the house was dead silent.

his gut told him to walk in.

"y-y/n?" his voice cracks.

nothing but silence.

he walks up the stairs, his cheeks stained with tears and hair messy.

he reaches the hall way, to find y/n's door at the end.

he pushes the door open.

he looks all around the room before finding a box saying 'trash.'

mystery filled his body as he kneeled down beside the box and opening it.

photos of them, drawings of them, anything with ethan in it was in the box.

tears stream down his face.

he gets back up and puts the tiny box in his hoodie on y/n's bed.

'where is she?' he thought.

he decided to call her.

he waited a few seconds before hearing light buzzing from outside.

he walked slowly to the opened window before looking down and seeing y/n's phone buzzing.

he ended the call.

y/n's phone went back to normal, and her lock screen was showing.

ethan and her.

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