✧ everywhere - grayson

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i see him everywhere.

if i'm at school, he's in the desk next to me.

if i'm laying in bed, he's at the foot of it.

if i'm shopping, he's always on the other side of the clothing rack.

if i'm at the supermarket, i always see him at the end of the isle.

if i'm in the library, he's always looking for a book.

if i'm walking my dog, he's always walking his.

he has never made conversation with me. only smiles and winks.

"stop it y/n, it's not really him. you're seeing stuff." i snapped at myself.

"he died a long time ago." a tear slipped from my eye.

"oh did i?" his voice said from behind me.

i spun around and i saw him. his hazel eyes meeting mine. i gasped, putting a hand over my mouth.


i went to go touch him, but his body faded into dust, the wind carrying him away.


i'm currently at
99k reads !
(when i'm writing this)

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