✧ precious - ethan

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y/n is my bestfriend. my world. my everything. i love her to the edge of the universe and back.

but right now, i'm not with y/n. i'm actually doing my homework for once, only because this project is worth half my grade.

i typed questions into google, trying to find the answer easier. i squinted my eyes, my vision turning a bit blurry. i should wear my glasses, but i don't like them.

i huffed as i grabbed my thick black glasses and put them on, my vision was now clear. i continued to type on my laptop keyboard when my phone went off.

incoming call from 'trick ass bitch that i love aka y/n or a homeless man idk who is who 💖🤠🤑🤪💞🍑🤢😷'...

long name for y/n, i know. but my name on her phone is 'ethan or a smelly hobo idk they both smell like beans but beans are good and i love ethan 🤧💀🤢💜🌚😷'.

[ low key want a relationship or friendship like this . 🤧 ]

i answered her call, her voice filling my ears.

"ETHAN IM COMING OVER AND I HAVE PIZZA!" she screamed. i flinched and cringed, her loud voice hurting my ears.

"ow," i whined.



"AHH YES CANT WAIT Y/N," i folded my homework and put it away.

"OK SEE YOU SEEN ETEEWEETEE!" she ended the call.

i rolled my eyes at the nickname. i ignored it, not really caring that she calls me that.

i zipped up my 1000 pound backpack, and then a dumb idea popped in my mind.

drop kick it
drop kick it
drop kick it
drop kick it
DrOp kIcK iT

i threw my backpack in the air and kicked it. well, kind of. the backpack just fell to the ground, and my foot started to hurt badly.

"fuck," i groaned. why the hell would i do that?

my thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening, and y/n yelling. "AYEYYAUYAYAYAYAEYSYEYEYYA I HAVE PIZZA YOU PUSSY!"

i laughed, wobbling down the stairs. she placed the pizza boxes on the coffee table, walking over to me. "hey what's wrong?" she asked, looking at my foot.

"well uh i kinda drop kicked my backpack." i muttered. she laughed and shook her head, putting an arm around me and helping me walk to the couch.

"thanks hoe," i said as i sat on the couch. she jumped down next to me. "no problem whore." she smiled.

we both leaned for the pizza, me grabbing pineapple and her grabbing pepperoni. we both took big bites, both moaning while doing so.

"ugh i love pizza," she groaned. i nodded. "same,"

she grabbed the remote and turned on netflix. she chose white chicks. [ i love that movie sm , someone please watch it with me ! ]

after watching a few movies, and the pizza completely gone, y/n passed out on me. her head laid on my lap, her messy hair all over face.

i chuckled to myself, brushing the hair out of her face. she was so precious. i loved her so much. maybe even more than a bestfriend.

i kissed her forehead, and smiled. soft snores escaped her lips, making my heart flutter.

"i love you y/n, so much. i'm so glad to call you my bestfriend." i whispered.

she peeked one eye open, and smiled back. "i love you more ethan."

i was shocked. i thought she was sleeping.

she sat up, clinging her body to me. her head rested against my chest, her legs wrapped around me.

"you're so precious," those words just came out, i didn't even think about it. my eyes widened, in realization on what i said.

she giggled. "thanks ethan." she peeled her head up, our lips inches apart.

her eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips.

"fuck it," she smirked.

she crashed her lips onto mine, our lips immediately moving in sync.

her lips taste so good, and theyre so soft.

we both pulled away, a trail of saliva coming with it.

"be mine?" i asked.

"been wanting to be yours for a while baby." she replied.


cute imagine, since i haven't
wrote one in a while, hahah.
insanefeels i love you so much
dolanpapii i love you so much

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