✧ gone girl 4 - grayson

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after hours of talking to y/n, grayson instantly felt a sense of relief flush down his body. he finally got his wish he had longed for... to have one last final conversation with his best friend.

everything felt like normal. like nothing had changed. y/n didn't age one bit, she didn't behave any differently either. same old girl, the one grayson remembers perfectly.

the way faint laugh lines appeared on y/n face when her cheeks were tugged into a smile, the way her eyes would have grayson mesmerized, lost in her gaze. the way she played with her fingers when she felt nervous. he remembers it all.

"i'm so glad i got to see you again," grayson said, his lips ending up in a small smile. you could hear the pain in his voice. he didn't want to let y/n go. but he knew it was going to come soon.

"awe, bubba." y/n replied, a soft, vibrant smile appeared on her face. she grabbed his hands and gently kissed the back.

a tear escaped from graysons left eye.

y/n hugged him tight. she gave him a kiss on the cheek while her arms were secured around his torso. the blue bedsheets shifted as grayson hugged her back tighter.

for a long 60 seconds, none of them let go. they both felt a strong urge to hug... as if it was necessary.

without moving one bit, grayson whispered;


her eyes slowly fluttered open, as she was shutting them during the whole duration of the hug. without moving either, she replied with, "yes?"

she smiled.

a few seconds pass by. not a word from him.

y/n began to know something was up. she let go of the hug and looked at his face. "grayson?"

grayson sat there, frozen. his eyes were big, and he didn't dare to look at y/n in the eyes. his breaths slowly started to get shaky, and louder. before speaking, he let's out a big sigh.

"how did you die?" the words roll of his tongue like butter. slowly, and smoothly. his eyes finally meet hers.

her eyes stared at his sharply, and showed the expression of being shocked. her mouth was a little open, as she was in awe. you can clearly tell she felt uncomfortable about the question.

she sucked up the sense of fear she felt, and swallowed it down. her gaze softens and she closes her mouth, her famous smile reappearing.

"im afraid i can't tell you that." she stated politely.

grayson stared at her in disbelief. the good and fun atmosphere had quickly changed, and now it was tense and cold.

"please." his voice cracked.

y/n looked at the carpet. "i'm sorry."

"why not? i need to know." he asked, getting closer to her.

y/n played with the ends of her hair. "the dead is not allowed to tell the living of things they do not know."

grayson analyzed all her features before sitting back onto his bed, replaying the sentence she just said in his mind.

the dead is not allowed to tell the living of things they do not know.

the dead is not allowed to tell the living of things they do not know.

the dead is not allowed to tell-

"grayson? i have to go now." y/n's words cut off graysons thoughts.

"what?" he asked.

y/n pointed out his window to the city lights afar. "you see those lights?"

"yea," grayson said, a bit confused.

"that's where i live."

"in the city?"

"not exactly. i live in everything."

"i'm lost..." grayson scratched his arm.

y/n shook her head and laughed.

"i live in everything i find beautiful. i am with you wherever you go. that one cool breeze in the summer afternoon is me. the candle flame that flickers and dances is me. the flowers in the bushes is me."

grayson sat there, silent and still staring at the distant bright lights.

"you're never alone, g. i know at times you may feel so, but i am always watching over you. i'm with you. i am guiding you."

graysons eyes widened fast.

"you're my guardian angel?" his voice squeaked.

y/n smiled and nodded.

"open your eyes to life, see things in a different perspective."

"doing so will help you figure out what really happened to me." y/n added.

grayson turned his head to her.

"i love you." y/n said, before shimmering and fading in the dark blue night sky.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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