✧ two nerds - ethan

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y/n dated ethan dolan, both of them nerds. ethan has twin brother, grayson dolan. y/n had a sister, jasmine. jasmine and grayson were the most popular kids at school, and it was rather iconic they were dating.

y/n's round wire glasses fell down her cute nose, making ethan push them up. y/n giggled as her cheeks flushed pink.

ethan and y/n were sitting in his car, listening to music and watching the sunset. friday night, no homework, what a good day.

"y-y/n," ethan stuttered, taking her hands and holding them. y/n nodded, "yes e-ethan?"

"i love y-you," he cutely smiled, pushing up his thick square glasses. y/n gasped rather loudly, causing ethans confidence to plummet.

"oh my g-gosh! i love you too!" she laughed cutely, kissing his lips. ethans confidence sky rocketed, the butterflies in his tummy taking action.

their mouths, slowly yet passionately molded together, ethans arms wrapping around her. they both broke away and caught their breaths.

y/n looked up into his hazel eyes, him looking down in her (y/c/e) eyes. she laid her head in his shoulder.

"you're m-mine," he smiled.



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