✧ cuddles - grayson

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just because im
in an emo mood,
because i finally
caught feelings for
someone that's not ethan.


play song.

the spring sun peaked through hospital room, the white bland room filling up with yellow rays. i sat in the navy blue chair, sitting next to my boyfriend that was laying in the hospital bed.

i stared at my fingers, tears forcing to come out. this was all my fault. i got him into this place.

it happened yesterday, i was driving and he was in the passenger seat. i was driving and i got a text from ethan. me, being the incapable intellectual, i decided to answer that text.

that's when madness happened. a car rammed into the side where grayson sat.

he took so much damage, while i took none. i feel so guilty for it. for the rest of my life i'm going to have this incident rest on my chest.

i snapped out of my thoughts, me now realizing i was full on sobbing. i dug my face into my hands, tears escaping through the cracks of my fingers.

the only noise to be heard in the room was my cries and the machines beeping slowly.

"i-i-i'm so sorry grayson," i cried out, my eyes red with puffiness. i took a tissue and wiped away the salty liquid coming out from my eyes.

i stared at his sleeping body, cuts all of his face and a broken leg and arm. my heart shattered into a million pieces.

a thought clicked in my head.

i lied to him.

my mouth fell open as i stared at his body still. i promised to never hurt him in any way.

and yet i did.

i took his non broken hand, and entangled my fingers with his. my head rested on the bed as i sobbed loudly, not caring if anyone heard.

"please forgive me," i begged.

"y/n, i do," a groggy voice said. my head perked up as i saw graysons eyes now open halfway, his chapped lips smiling a bit.

i put a hand over my mouth, as i gasped.

"oh my god grayson i'm so sorry, i'm such a horrible girlfriend i'm so sorry. please forgive me. i don't expect you to do so, but i just want you to know that i'll never live the same knowing what i did."

"i'm just going to go." i added, getting up and wiping my eyes.

"no," grayson said. "please don't go,"

"actually, lay next to me please. i need to feel your body against mine." grayson confessed.

my watery eyes looked at the door, then grayson.

i walked towards him, and carefully got on the bed. there was just the right amount of space for my body to lay.

i put my hand gently on his chest, as i looked up at his eyes. my uncontrollable breathing calmed down as i saw his eyes look down at mine.

"i love you," his voiced laced with tiredness. "please kiss me," he puckered his lips cutely.

i chuckled even though tears still fell down my face. i moves a bit upward as i placed my soft lips on his.


thanks for reading.

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