✧ gaming - ethan

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"race you!" ethan shouts, before running to your house.

"fuck you!" you shout back. "you know i suck at running!"

ethan ignores you and runs in your house. you walk fast, trailing behind ethan, and close the front door. you sigh and walk upstairs, tired of all the walking you did.

ethan is on your mac book, typing something. you plop next to him to see what he's doing.


"roblox? seriously e are you like 11 or something?" you say, laying back on your bed. ethan kicks off his shoes and places the laptop on your stomach. he lays on his stomach and starts playing roblox.

you close your eyes. the warm heat coming from the laptop feels nice, and the slight humming from the AC is the only noise to be heard.

you were about to fall asleep, but were interrupted.


you shoot your eyes open. "did you die?" you asked, not moving.

"yeah." ethan says.



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