✧ letters to y/n - grayson

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dear y/n, hey love. i miss you so much! how are you? i'm doing okay. every since you left me i kind of drifted away mentally. ethans worries about me. he shouldn't be. i'm fine! i love you, ~ grayson. (10/12/18)

dear y/n, i wish you could come back, but it's not my decision. i hope you're having fun over there! my grades have been flunking ever since you- ethans calling me. write to you later! ~ grayson. (10/16/18)

dear y/n, hows it going? must be good. i love you with all my heart. well, i'm going to go to the ice cream parlor, where we first met. love you!!! :) ~ grayson. (10/21/18)

dear y/n, come back, please. ~ grayson. (10/29/18)

dear y/n, i cant do it anymore. i miss you so much. ~ grayson. (11/8/18)

dear y/n, saw a pretty flower today, reminded me of you. ~ grayson. (11/20/18)

dear y/n, i'm done. ~ grayson. (12/2)

dear y/n, it's my birthday. miss you. (12/16)

grayson put all his letters in a box, and closed it softly. it was 12 am and he just got done writing his final note. he opened the front door, box still in hands and closed it.

the moonlight shined on his sun kissed skin. he walked down the road.

after a few minutes, he got there.

he walked.

and walked.

until he got to his final destination. tears forced their way out.

he placed the box on her grave. "for you, princess."


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