✧ bad kids - ethan

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"so, that's why you need a condom." mr wilson explained, waving a condom packet in the air. the whole class nodded, and wrote down notes. except ethan dolan and y/n y/l/n.

"mr wilson, why is that a extra large condom? shouldn't it be a extra small for your tiny dick?" ethan joked. the whole class laughed, including his girlfriend y/n.

"mr dolan, that's not appropriate. this is the eighth time you disrupted my class." he firmly said. y/n chewed her gum in her mouth, rolling her eyes.

"spit that gum out, y/l/n, and stop rolling your eyes."

"i don't spit i swallow, spitters are quitters." she remarked. the whole class yet again laughed, and ooed. mr wilson's face turned a bright red.

his hands grab the phone as he angrily taps the buttons. his chest weaving up and down as he waited for the person on the other end to answer.

"yes, i'm sending y/n y/l/n and ethan dolan to the principles office. they'll tell you what happened there." he said.

ethan and y/n gave each other a look. mr wilson hung up the phone. "go, now. don't come back." he pointed to the door.

the couple slung their backpacks over their shoulders and walked out. y/n smirked as the door closed completely.

"that dumbass actually thinks we're going to the office," ethan laughs. y/n nods. they walk over to the front doors and push it open, leaving.

we can all agree they were bad kids.


yay i finally
had the inspiration
to write

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