✧ beautiful angel - grayson

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inspired by the song ;
beautiful by bazzi
which reminds me
of dolanpapii
but this imagine is not about her.
haha lmao bitch i love you.


she hated the way she looked. every day, she took a look in the mirror, and broke out into sobs. she wanted to die, but no one knew that.

- play song -

"hey," i smiled, leaning next to her locker. y/n took out some books, and then looked at me. "oh, are you talking to me?" she questioned.

"of course, just wanted to say you're beautiful angel." i said truthfully. she blushed, her cheeks fading a soft pink color. "you don't have to lie." she said.

"i'm not."

"no really, it's okay-"

"you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. everything is perfect about you... your flaws make you look so cute and amazing. i really want you to be mine..."

she stared at me astounded. "are you being serious?" a tear escaped her eye, the salty water droplet falling down her cheek. i wiped it away with the pad of my thumb.

"yes. please, let's go on a date?" i grabbed her hand and stared into her eyes. "please?" i mouthed. i came to a realization that i look as if i'm begging, but at this point i truly am.

"o-okay," she nodded, stuttering. my face lit up as i hugged her, her cheek resting against my shoulder. "thank you, angel."

"i'll pick you up at 6 pm tomorrow," i added.

- the next day -

i walked to her house, her being my neighbor so i automatically knew where she lived. sounds creepy, it's really not.

i knocked on her door with my fist softly. i stepped back, letting out a shaky breath. i cant believe in going on a date with the most beautiful girl i laid my eyes on...

she opened the door, her mouth tugged into a smile. my eyes brightened. oh my god, she was so beautiful.

she was wearing something casual, which was good. she wore jeans and a green sleeve less shirt that looked like this:

 she wore jeans and a green sleeve less shirt that looked like this:

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"hi grayson," she waved, shutting the door behind her. i looked her up and down, my eyes wide. she was so gorgeous, is she even real?

"you. look. absolutely. amazing." i said, smiling. she smiled widely, her hand hiding her radiant smile.

i pulled away her hand and shook my head. "don't hide your smile. it's what makes you you. and you're so beautiful with it."

"thank you," she replied, placing her arm around her stomach. i gave a cheeky smile, grabbing her hand and walking.

"where are we going?" she asked.

"you'll see," i said.

she nodded, still walking behind me.

- skip about five minutes -

we made it to a small hill, it was nothing much but it was the best sunset spot. we sat on a thin blanket, my arm around her back and rested on her shoulder.

the sunset faded an amazing pink and yellow color, y/n's eyes staring up at it with pure bliss. instead of looking at the sky, i looked at her.

"you're so beautiful," i spoke. she turned her head and looked at me, blushing. "really?" she rose an eyebrow.

"yes, ever since you moved here to jersey, in the fifty grade." i confessed. she stared at me, dumbfounded.

"can, can you be my girlfriend?" i asked. she bit her lip and nodded, hugging me.

"grayson, i know we barely started talking talking, but you've been so generous to me and- thank you." she said. "no ones ever told me that type of things before."

- three years later -

y/n's p.o.v

these past three years, i've regained my confidence. i don't want to die, i want to live. grayson bailey dolan made me see life in a whole new way.

ever since 8/19/15, which was the day we went on our first date, he's told me every single day i was a beauty to the world. not one day he hadn't told me any different.

our anniversary is tomorrow, making today 8/18/18.

- the next day -

"babe, seriously where are we going?" i laughed, grayson pulling me as i had a blindfold on.

"we're almost there baby cakes," he responded.

finally, we made it. he untied my blindfold, it dropping to the ground. my eyes adjusted to the light, my heart stopping.

the little hill, the place we went to on our first date. i gasped, looking all around.

there was the same thin blanket that laid on the ground, but with a bouquet of roses on it. there was christmas style golden lights surrounding it, making it more beautiful than it already was.

"oh my god," i whispered, my eyes watering.

"you like it?" grayson smiled.

"no. i love it!" i squealed, giving him a big hug.

"i'm glad you like it," he said. we then let go of the hug, grayson staring at me oddly.

"what?" i asked.

"there's one more surprise,"

he got on one knee, my heart stopping once again. he exhaled as he took out a little ring box, that was red velvet.

"y/n y/m/n y/l/n, three years ago today i went on my first date with you. i was so glad i took the chance and did, because you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. you are my beautiful little angel, princess, baby, queen, every little pet name in the world. three years ago i knew i wanted to spend the rest of my entire life with you. you make my life complete, and with this... will you marry me?" he asked.

at this point i was crying my eyes out. i managed to nod, grayson jumping off his knee and putting the magnificent diamond ring on my ring finger. he kissed me on the lips passionately and lovingly.

and the best part out of all of this is that the sky was the exact same color three years ago.


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