✧ arguement - grayson

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grayson bailey dolan is my only friend.

now i'm not even exaggerating.

with all the shit in the world, the shit in my life, he's the only human being i ever tell. he's the only person i rant to. he understands me well, he can read me like an open book.

now usually people have 2 other friends they text, but not me. it's always him. and sometimes i grow super insecure because i feel like i'm annoying him by texting him.

now we're in english together, and the seating chart is okay. our desks are built so three people can sit there. it's pretty spacious though.

i'm at the edge, a boy named tony in the middle, and grayson at the other end.

grayson and tony were talking, and i wanted to join too. i was bored and it was basically a free hour, so why not?

they were talking about a video on where a girl is getting bullied but supposedly it's a spoof. not exactly knowing what to say, i just said something really really awkward.

"wow haha that's really mean!" i laughed. tony laughed with me, but grayson didn't.

"yeah, you would know." grayson said.

i furrowed my brows. "what?"

grayson ignored me and started talking to tony.

i stared at him, processing on what happened. i slouched down back in my seat.

about two minutes passed by, then tony asked to used the restroom. that left me and grayson.

"so what was your little comment about?" i asked.


i began to grow mad. "really grayson? why are you acting like this?"

"like what." he had a neutral tone of voice.

"acting like your too good for me." i said that sentence sounding like it wasn't true. but deep down, i know it was.

"and your acting like a desperate person!" he shot back.

my mouth fell into the shape of an 'o'. i knew exactly what he meant. because one day i ranted to him how i feel like i was desperate for his attention.

"oh so your saying i cant survive without you." i now felt small against him.

"not survive. like you can't even go a day without texting me."

that's it. the last of my confidence dissolved. tears built in my eyes, but he didn't seem to notice.

"oh yeah? i'll prove it."


with school draining the energy out of me, i completely forgot that me and grayson got into an argument. i whipped out my phone [420 words right here] and opened graysons contact.

i started to text him, but then it all hit me. i deleted my text fast, locking my phone.

wow. maybe i am desperate.


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