✧ valentine - ethan

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y/n's p.o.v;

i laid on my sofa eating chocolate out of a big heart shaped box. i was watching impractical jokers on the tv, just spending valentine's day alone.

i had about three thick blankets wrapped around my body. the only thing you saw of me was my hands popping out of the blankets to grab my chocolate and drink, and my face too.

"this chocolate is so good oh my lorrdddd," i moaned with chocolate stuffed in my mouth. i chewed softly before being interrupted by a knock on the door.

"come in if i know you!" i said. which wasn't the most smartest idea, it could be a criminal for all i know.

the door knob twists open and reveal my bestfriend, ethan, with a big brown teddy bear and some chocolates. his big smile fades once he sees my chocolate.

"oh, did someone already get you chocolate?" his voice laced with disappointment. i shook my head 'no', and bursted threw the blankets. "nah, i bought them myself." i chuckled.

ethans smile appears back on his face. "oh! well in that case," he shows you the gifts he brought, "will you be my valentine?"

heat rose upon my cheeks as i bit my lip. "of course," i giggled nervously.


i want that typa relationship.

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