✧ remember me - ethan [7]

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i know i said
the finale,
but idc


the mental institution let me out after 'three years' of staying in there. i don't recall one day in there...

i walked on the sidewalk, and i decided to go to the coffee shop. the mental institution gave me a some money to start my 'fresh' new life. i fell fine though.

"one mocha frappe," i said to the cashier. she nodded. "name?"


"okay," she scribbled some chicken scratch on the side of the cup. "i'll make it right now." she smiled.

i took out five dollars, because frappes are quiet expensive. the lady started making my order.

to make myself busy, i looked around the place. the hints of brown and green really made the place look cute and cozy.

my eyes trailed to the windows, and then i saw the impossible...


i shoved my cash back in my sweater pocket and ran out the door, the barista calling my name. i ignored her, and ran to ethan.

he stopped at the crosswalk, and he took out his phone. i sped over to him, placing a hand on his back.

"e-ethan?" i managed to say, out of breath. he looked down at me, his hazel eyes flashing a green in the sunlight. "y/n,"

"i-i-i thought you weren't real!"

"o-oh," he looked behind me, scratching the back of his head. i turned around. "what are you looking at?"

about twenty seconds later, i turned back around to see that ethan wasn't there. as if he was never there.


mhm i updated only for dolanarchy
so... she better feel special.
follow her! she's amazing, and deserves 1000
more followers.

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