✧ end of the f****ing world - grayson

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changes were made :)
watch the series of netflix,
you'll understand the plot and
why the characters act the way they
do. thanks!! <3


y/n p.o.v

he was weird.

and by weird i meant weird.

i've been eyeing him for the past week, just seeing what he does.

and he does absolutely nothing.

he's such a boring shit.

he skates around school, headphones on, and his backpack on. that's it.

at lunch he does the exact same thing but not skate, but his headphones on and eating a weird sandwich thing.

it's about time i talk to him.

- the next day -

i walked up to grayson as he sat down at the edge of the table eating. he was staring straight head at something, i don't know what.

i stood in front of him.

he takes off his headphones.

"hey." i say.

"hey," he replies.

"i've seen you skating."

"you're pretty shit." i add.

"fuck off."

at this point i'm not sure what to say. i just walk off.

- two days later -

he fell in love with me.

he always waits on a wall for me.

at first i found it pretty weird.

but it's cool now.

- graysons p.o.v -

i pretended to fall in love with her.

she always meets me on a wall, where she sits nexts to me and starts kissing me.

i don't do anything back.

today, i'm waiting for her right now.

"hey." she says. i look up from the ground and meet her eyes. "hey." i respond.

she sits down and starts making out with me.

my lips don't move an inch.

she grabs my hand and places it on her boob.

"what happened to your hand." she stops kissing me, but does not look at my hand. she keeps staring at me.

"shut up." i say fast.

she obeys and quickly goes back to kissing me.


should i do a part two?
leave me a comment!

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