✧ punch - grayson

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my life sucks my scotty sire is rlly good and relatable
me and grayson decided to go to a party. i didn't want to go, but grayson begged me.

i sat on the couch in my black dress, on my phone. i had a red solo cup in my hand. i poured myself some water. i know i know, lame. but im driving grayson back, and he's drinking heavily.

looking up from my phone, i saw grayson in the kitchen. he was laughing with ethan and other friends. i know no body here, except a friend names paula. she left though. she had to go pickup her brother.

i put my phone down on the coffee table aswell as my cup. i rubbed my temples while my elbows rested on my thighs. out of know where, a random guy comes and sits next to me. "h-hey baby..." his breathed reaked of alcohol. he rubbed my back.

"um no." i said, standing up. i grabbed my phone and pushed my way towards grayson.

"gray?" i tilted my head up so i can look in his eyes. he smiled. "what's up b-beautiful?" he slurred his words. i rubbed my wrists nervously. "i wanna go home."

"why? aren't you having fun with paula?" he asked. he leaned his arm on the counter. "she le-"

i was interrupted by the same guy i saw earlier. he wrapped his arm around my waist. "s-shes actually having some fun w-with me-e," the guy said. i tried to push the guy off of me. "get off me!"

grayson pulled me towards him. he gently pushed me behind me. "who the fuck are you?" grayson asked.

i peeped my head from the side of grayson. "gr-"

"what? your girl is fucking sexy, man." the man laughed.

"well, you cant have her. she's mine!" grayson shouted. grayson raised his hand in a fist and punched him straight in the face.

i gasped. but at the same time that was really hot. the way his muscles flexed, the way graysons emotions were, the way he punched him, it was attractive.

i grabbed graysons arm. "babe!" i shrieked. the man was bleeding from his nose. he scoffed.

grayson took ahold of my hand and pulled me out of the kitchen. "youre right baby, lets leave." he said firmly.

we made our way outside, and he let go of me. without hesitation, i kissed his plump lips. he put his hands on my hips, as he pulled me closer to him.

"youre mine. okay? only. mine." he growled. i nodded. "i know grayson. i love you."
sh!t ending.
word count : 445

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