✧ tv - ethan

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for; dolanpapii ;))

danielle's p.o.v:

i awaited for ethan to finish filiming a video in the warehouse foam pit, while i sat in the editing room watching tv. recently, grayson bought a huge flat screen tv, and i was bored so i was flipping through the channels.

i clicked the button on the remote glumly. my cheek was resting on my hand.

"ever wanted to save money-" a tv commercial blurted.

"no, the fuck." i responded, knowing they couldn't hear me.

"babe, i'm back!" ethans voice sang. i smiled and turned my head.

"e-tee-wee-tee!" i laughed and hugged him. he rolled his eyes playfully and sat on the couch.

"hey e, can you do me a favor?" i asked, getting up from the sofa. "yeah, what's up?" ethan responded.

"i'm going to go get water. can you find a good program on tv we can watch?" i said, leaning on the frame of the door.

"sure." he replied.

— 3rd person person p.o.v —

ethan smirks when danielle leaves the room. he quickly goes to disney channel, and luckily jessie was on.

"danielle's gonna love this." ethan said.

danielle came back with a cup of water and sat by ethan. she sipped it slowly, her eyes trailing to the tv.

she spits her water out.

"OH MY GOD ETHAN!" she shouted.

ethan quickly jumped out. "ew! you spat that all over me!"

"you know that guy gives me nightmares!" danielle points to bertrum.

ethan runs out of the room and grayson clashes into him. "woah woah woah woah, what's going on!"

grayson pushes ethan off him.

before danielle or ethan can respond, graysons eyes meet the tv.

"ooh! i love jessie!" he says, running and sitting in the couch.

what did i write? 😂😭

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