✧ triplets - both

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ethan dolan and grayson dolan were your twin brothers, making you an identical triplet to the duo; and you were the second oldest. ethan was born first, then you, then grayson. (sorry if that didn't make sense💀)

you and ethan would always team up on grayson since he was the youngest, by 20 minutes. currently, you all are 18 and still act 8.

you currently live in los angeles with your brothers. you all created the dolan triplets warehouse. you've been waiting to create this since kids.

your older sister, cameron, filmed your reaction at the final look of all of it, as you and your brothers have a youtube channel. "okay, 1-2-3!" cameron counted down.

you all removed your blindfolds, your mouths fell open. ethan and you shouted and hollered, excited your finish project was done and complete.

grayson on the other hand, tears filled his brown hazel eyes. you and ethan ran to the foam pit and started flipping in.

"hey, what's wrong g?" cameron pauses the camera. his bottom lip quivers. "w-we've dreamed of making this since we were 7, and now its here," grayson hugged his older sister. she patted his back and hugged him tighter.

you and ethan threw blocks at them. "crybaby!" ethan laughed. "damn, i missed." you murmured under your breath.

"stop being so soft and have fun!" you shouted.


baby g
and daddy e
are in
sydney australia
and i'm in a
little city outside

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