✧ silky skin - grayson

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yeah i'm known for being the guy with the bad reputation. i use girls as 'toys'. but a girl named y/n changed my whole perspective.

she isn't bad. she is a straight A student, she doesn't cause trouble. she has no piercings, she has no tattoos. her y/h/c has never been dyed.

she's perfect.

my locker is like two away from hers. in the morning, whenever she goes to unlock her locker, she always flashes me a smile. her smile honestly brightens up my day.

we've never had a full on conversation. yeah, maybe we quickly talked about how our morning went, but not to big.


me and ethan, my twin brother, were walking down the hall when i noticed y/n in the corner of my eye. she was walking to the left of me with her books in her hands. her shiny y/h/c hair rested against her shoulders lightly. not to be weird, but usually some girls i talk to smell like dust. not y/n. she smells like fresh strawberries.

i smiled and turned my head to look at her. "hey," i said.

she looked up at me, she is real short, and grinned. "hey g."

i gave ethan a look. he rolled his eyes and nodded, and walked away. "soo, whatcha up to?" i asked. i leaned on the lockers as she unlocked hers.

"oh nothing much. i have a free period so right now i'm pretty much doing nothing." she laughed. i cocked my eyebrow. "really?"

"don't you have a test to study for?" i asked, joking. she smiled and shook her head. "nope. done that."

"did you finish your 1000 page book?"

she sighed and looked down. "actually i did." she pouted her lips. her frown turned into a smile. "want to come to the library with me and help me choose a new book?" she asked, cheery.

i licked my lips and smiled. "sure."

"great!" she exclaimed. we both walked upstairs onto the second floor where the library was at.

she pushed open the double decker doors. i personally disliked the library. too much nerds and books.

she placed her book on the counter, where the librarian sat. y/n smiled at her. "i finished it!" she said, walking towards the book shelves. i trailed behind her like a puppy.

she passed by a table of nerds who read books and ate their lunches. "hey harper!" she sweetly said.

a girl with thick black glasses looked up from her big book. she waved and smiled, but her smile faded when she saw me. "y/n, you're hanging out with grayson?"

before i could defend myself, y/n took charge. "yeah!" she said, with no problem.

"come on gray, over here!" she motioned me to follow her. i gave 'harper' a dirty look before following y/n.

"what's the deal with that harper girl?" i scoffed quietly. she shrugged. "i don't know. but honestly, i could care less what she thought of you."

i smiled down at her. she smiled back up at me, before placing her y/s/c [your skin color] hands on a book.

she gently dragged her finger nails against the spine of books. "can you help me find a book?"

i nodded. i bent down a bit so i can get in her height.

i did the same of what she did, i dragged my finger nails against the books. my hand landed on hers.

and oh my god her skin was so silky.

perfect for a tattoo.

i cocked my right eyebrow up. "you know, y/n, you should get a tattoo." i grazed her soft hand skin.

she blushed and looked at me. "yeah. maybe i should."




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