✧ the sleepover - both

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"this isn't a good idea guys," i blurted. we all were walking to an abandoned house, that was supposedly 'haunted'. i tightened my grasp on my boyfriend, ethans arm. i cant believe we're walking there at 11 pm at night.

"calm down babe," ethan chuckled. i furrowed my brows, and playfully hit his abs. "easy for you to say,"

"aw, is little y/n scared?" grayson says. i scowl. "shut it, bailey."

"guys, stop fighting. we're here!" ethan points to the big spooky house in front of us. my breathing hitches. grayson jogs inside, "come on guys!"

ethan walks, but i don't. "come on," ethan says. i shake my head. "i don't have a good feeling about this." i shakily say. ethan walked back to me, and hugs me.

"baby, it'll be fine. we'll just spend the night here, and we'll be out of here." ethan kisses the top of my head. i sigh. "i'll buy you frozen yogurt!" ethan smiles.

i look up at him. "fine."

"guys hurry up!" grayson calls, taking out his camera.


my stomach turns. we all settled down and placed blankets on the ground. we all were so excruciating uncomfortable.

i hold onto ethans warm body. he strokes and plays with my hair for comfort. i keep hearing all sorts of shit, like whispers and wood creaking.

my heart is running a marathon. the pressure on my chest hurts, hurts so bad that tears force their way out my eyes. i sniffle, which causes ethan and graysons attention towards me.

"y/n! what's wrong baby?" ethan asks, hugging me tighter.

"i-i-i-i can't do this-" i burst out crying. call me dramatic, but i'm so emotional.

grayson bites his lip, feeling guilty. he dragged y/n into this.

"baby, it's okay. once we're all done with this experience it'll all be a memory. when we grow old together and have kids we can tell them we we stayed in a creepy house-"


ethans interrupted by a huge noise. my crying stops. grayson scoots closer to ethan and me.

"w-what was that?" i asked. grayson and ethans faces go pale. "w-we don't know," grayson said. he grabbed our only source of light, which was our flashlight, and pointed it all around.

it was dead silent for a moment, but then i heard a whisper. "go,"

my heart skips a beat. i hide my face in ethans chest. "oh my god-d," i whimper.

"sh-hhh-h," ethan comforts. he rubs my back.

slowly, i drift off to sleep.


i woke up by myself, in the abounded house. the light from the broken windows shining through.

i looked all around, and i saw ethan and graysons stuff still all here.

did they ditch me?

who knows. but that was the last time i saw the dolan twins.


"next one channel 420 news, y/n y/l/n with her shocking story!"

i sat in the red chairs, no expression placed on my face.

"so, y/n, how was the experience?" the annoying lady's voice asked.

i was fed up. "how do you think it was? it was fucking horrible. i fucking lost my bestfriend and my boyfriend. how would you feel?"


i hate this imagine ew

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