✧ kidnapped - both

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warning: more cursing then usual

i sat in the dolan twins warehouse foam pit, bored as hell. i was on my phone scrolling through instagram.

"y/n! come here!" i heard ethan shout from the editing room.

"coming!" i yelled back, sipping my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. i crawled my way out of the foam pit and jumped down, walking towards the editing room.

i stood by the doorframe. "e?"

he was no where to be found. before i could move around, a blindfold was placed over my eyes. hands held me from trying to move my arms.

"what the fuck?" i shouted angrily. duct tape was wrapped around my hands.

"ah! oh my god i didn't think that'll work!" i heard grayson laugh.

"me too bro!" i heard ethan add.

"what the hell?! guys let me go!" i whine, tugging at the tape.

"nuh uh," grayson clicked his tongue.

ethan pushed my back lightly. "come on y/n come with us,"

"where are we going?" i asked, scared. these two headasses can have anything up theirs sleeve. their fucking crazy.

i was pushed outside the warehouse.

i heard shuffling, then a big bang.

"get in the van, y/n." ethan said. "wow, real funny. i totally know where i'm going with this over my eyes." i got my taped wrists, that were in front of me, and pointed to my blindfold.

"here, i'll guide you." grayson said, helping me walk towards the van. there was a step, and i put my right foot on it. grayson snapped my ass hard and i winced, jumping in the van.

"ow, you fucking dick!" i angrily spat at grayson.

i heard him laughing, then the sliding door shutting closed.

someone got in the drivers seat, and started up the van. another person sat in the passenger seat.

"can someone please take this tape off." i bluntly said.

"ethan take the tape off her," grayson said from the drivers seat.

"fine," ethan sighed, getting ahold of the tape and cutting it with scissors.

"my poor wrists," i rub the red line around them.

"why do you have scissors on you anyway?" i asked.

"ethan says that he carries around scissors to always be ready to cut a bitch," grayson laughed.

"can i take off the blindfol-"

"NO!" grayson and ethan both shouted in sync.

"wow, okay." i say.

the fact i didn't know they were taking me scared the living shit out of me. whenever grayson would turn fast, i would get flung into the side of the van.

"a-re we-e almost th-ere?" i asked, the road very bumpy.

"patience, y/n" ethan cooed.

"we should just tell her e,"

"why?" ethan asked. "it's not that big of a deal anyway," grayson said.

ethan scoffed. "whatever, tell her."

"we just need you to guess where you are, like the one video me and ethan did."

"well you could of just asked, ya know?" i acknowledged.

"yeah yeah we know," grayson hissed playfully.

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