✧ fights - both

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oh, siblings. they're great.


you were ethans and graysons little sister. you were only two years younger than them. you guys would all get into fights, and cameron would usually be the one to resolve things. but ever since she moved off to college, your guys's fights have got bad.

you guys fight over the smallest things. ethan once got mad at you for walking into his room to ask him a question. you got at mad at grayson for breathing annoyingly.

you jogged downstairs as you had your phone in hand. you hummed a song that was stuck in your head, 4u by blackbear. grayson and ethan were laying on two different couches scrolling through social media.

you placed your phone on the island counter, and walked to the fridge. you bought a little cheese cake for yourself at the cheese cake factory, and you couldn't wait to eat it.

you opened the fridge and looked around for it, the coldness hitting your skin. you furrowed your brows, where was it?

you looked in the trash can to see two plates with some cheese cake crumbs and plastic forks. you shut the fridge hard. ethan and grayson ate it.

"did you guys eat MY cheese cake?" you asked, emphasizing the my. ethan and grayson both shot you a look, then exchanged a worried glanced.

"that was yours?" grayson squeaked. you scoffed. "no, it was nicki minaj's! of course it was mine dumbass!"

"hey, don't bring nicki into this." ethan says. "shut up bicycle seat faceass," you spit. his mouth fell open as he got up from his seat, and picked you up.

you and ethan and grayson would always physically fight, but not hard. kind of for fun. he threw you kind of softly on the couch, and you kicked him in the balls. he groaned. "grayson, get her!"

grayson got up and grabbed you, putting you in the ground so you both can wrestle. you pushed his body down and got on top of him, locking him down. you swiftly put your hair in a ponytail before going to tickle him in the rib cage.

he bursted our laughing and he tried to push you off, but you were pulled up away from grayson by ethan. you started kicking your legs and shaking your arms like crazy. ethan dropped you and you fell, but quickly grabbed onto his leg so he wouldn't move.

you pushed him down onto the ground by pushing him by his thigh, and you softly punching his biceps.

grayson pulled you down so now you all three were laying on the ground. the front door unlocked and your mom, lisa, stood there with sean.

"aww, sweetie, look at them! all getting along."

if they only knew.


i liked this one a lot!!

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