✧ memories 2 - grayson

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y/n's p.o.v;

i saw him.

he looked so good.

he was wearing the sweatshirt he got from the santa cruz beach boardwalk that one time we went together. my heart tore into two, seeing his bottom lip stick out when he saw me.

i wanted to hug him.

i wanted to tell him that i want him back, i miss him, i love him. a tear slipped from my eye.

"you okay pumpkin?" my boyfriend ryder asked, flashing me a smile. i faked smiled, "yeah, i got an eyelash in my eye."

he hummed and pushed the cart away. i looked back at grayson, before mouthing 'bye'.

"i have to go to the restroom real quick babe, be right back." ryder said and walked off. i pushed the cart sluggishly and stopped at a little bench. my eyes stung and my chest felt as it has been stabbed.

i waited patiently, kicking my legs. i messes with a loose thread on my- graysons sweatshirt.

i looked up, to see grayson in the food isle again, taking things off the shelf and throwing it in the cart. he looked so drained.

i need to see him again. i thought to myself. i got up from my seat, and jogged my way over to grayson, my real love.

graysons p.o.v;

"now the eggs," i mumbled to myself. i pushed the cart away, but felt someone tap on my shoulder. i turned around to see y/n. her eyes red and his nose running a bit. her beautiful lips chapped.

"y/n?" my voiced cracked. she hugged me instantly, crying into my chest.

"i m-miss you g-grayson," she sobbed out. my heart clenched in pain as i hugged her back, tears streaming down my face.

she pulls away after a while and kisses my lips. fireworks and sparks could be felt in the kiss, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"i love you," i said. she smiled, wiping her tears away. "me too, i miss us."

"i thought you were happier with your new boyfriend,"

she shook her head no. "no, not for one second i was happy. i only dated him so i can try to move on from you,"

"that's failed," she laughed.

i smiled as more tears rolled down my cheek. she wiped away my tears and smiled.

"y-you're still wearing my sweatshirt," i pointed. she nodded. "i haven't really taken it off, only for showers."

through out this whole conversation, we were hugging. not really the best idea, because ryder saw us.

"who is this, babe?" he asked, pulling her away from me. from the loss of contact, i could feel my heart ache a bit.

"my true love, my bestfriend, my whole entire world," she wiggles out of his grasp, "he is my boyfriend." she states, hugging me.

"uh, what?" he asks confused. i could tell her self esteem swooped down, i could read her like a book.

"she's saying you guys are done," i said, pushing him away. he scoffed. "whatever," he walks off.

i hug her tightly. "i love youuuuu,"

"i love you way more." she smiles.


this was bad...

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