✧ snack - ethan

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"hey, e!" you whisper call from the side of the class room. ethan stops writing down notes, and looks at you. "what?" he whispers back.

"have you tried the forbidden snack?" you ask. ethan shoots you a weird look, then smirks. "of course! do you have some?" he plays along with your weirdness.

"yeah!" you respond, pulling out some delicious tide pods out of your sweater pocket. ethan licks his lips and slumps down in his seat. "ugh, i want some."

"i'll give you some a lun-"

"y/n! what is so important?" the teacher calls you out. you turn to face her and blush, "i was asking if ethan tried the forbidden snack," you show her the tide pods.

"those things are so stupid! give me those!" she scowls. you shake your head no. "my forbidden snack!"


trust me, i don't know what i wrote either.

the tide pods meme was a good meme, until 9 and 10 year old started to ACTUALLY eat them. like, c'mon! use your damn brains! do they not know where to draw the line?

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