✧ the tree - grayson

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ages; 10 & 10


me and y/n tied our matching shoes and ran to our 'tree'. we always hung out by this tree, everyone knew it was 'ours'. for example, if someone walked by it they'll say, "oh, that's y/n and graysons tree."

we climbed up the tree, getting a few splinters and cuts along the way. finally, we sat on a branch and swung our legs.

y/n snapped a tiny sharp branch, and dragged it on our thicker branch. she engraved my initial and hers.

"now everyone will know it's our tree, for reals." she smiled, her silver braces shining in the sun. i nodded. "that's a good idea."

i admired her features, i was in love with her. her cheeks, eyebrows, smile, nose, everything. her eyes traveled from the grass to a big dandelion. her eyes widened.

"grayson! let's go make a wish!" she pointed. i nodded. i would wish for her to grow old with me, create a family, and never change.

she put her foot on a branch, but it slipped. she fell all the way down the big tree. "grayson!" she yelled, before she hit the ground.

my heart started beating faster, as i quickly went down. she hit her head really hard.

i went to her body and leaned over her, pulling her close to me. "no no no y/n," i cried. with my free hand, i grabbed the dandelion shakily.

"i wish for y/n to be okay! all okay!" i gasped, blowing it out in one blow. her i turned to face her, her eyes fluttering closed.

"grayson, i love you." she whispered. tears flooded my cheeks, as i kissed her lips before she left the world. "i love you more,"

her body went limp, numb. i couldn't move, i couldn't go tell her mom. i was just stuck with her in my arms.

- 13 years later -

"uncle grayson!" ethans daughter alyssa smiled. she hugged my legs as i picked her up. "hey alyssa," i kissed her forehead.

"i wanna go to the big tree!" she exclaimed. i furrowed my brows. "which one?"

"the one by the river," she explained. i put her down and nodded. "it's not that far from here," i said, completely forgetting that was mine and y/n's tree.

we walked a bit, and arrived at the tree. it still looked the same. she ran over to it and climbed up. "carefully a!" i shouted.

"i will!" she replied, still climbing.

she sat down on a branch. she looked all around. "wow, it's so cool up here!"

"what's this?" she asked. "what's what?" i called from the ground.

"there's something on this branch. it says g and (your initial)." she traced the engraving of it. tears built up in my eyes as i looked down at my shoes. "o-oh, i don't know what that is," i lied.



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