✧ disneyland - grayson

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"what ride would you like to ride first?" grayson asked, entangling his fingers with mine. i smirked and looked at him. "you."

he blushed fiercely as he chuckled and looked the other way. he is so cute. (I CAN HEAR THE GIGGLES OMF-)

"babe, stop." he laughed and started walking. i laughed along with him as i looked all around disneyland. "hm, how about the teacups?" i suggested. "maybe later babygirl, i don't feel like getting dizzy so early into the day."

"you sound just like ethan, oh my god," i said.

"what! how?"

"picky and boring."

he shook his head.

"grayson lets go on the carousel!"

he nodded. "yeah let's go," we both started walking towards the line, which wasn't that long. there was a bunch of kids with their families.

i took out my phone and went on snapchat. grayson hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder. his chest rested against little backpack.

"i love you," he whispered in my ear. i moves my head because his breath was so warm and minty it gave me tingles. "now you're doing that on purpose," i giggled, hugging his stomach. he placed his lips on mine, but we were interrupted by the line moving.

i let go of grayson as he frowned a tad bit. we were almost to the end of the line, but we were stopped right at the end.

"please wait here," a guy with blasting blue eyes said. he was about my age. he looked at me up and down before licking his lips and walking away to go control the ride.

grayson snaked his arm around my hip and pulled me closer to him. he was getting jealous. i looked up at him to see his jaw clenched and his nostrils flared. he stared at the guy intimidatingly.

i hugged him back resting my head against his hard abs.

"you're mine, you know that babygirl," he said, still looking at the guy. i nodded. "yes,"

i debated wether to add 'daddy' on the end or not. he does have a HUGE daddy kink.

oh fuck it.


he stiffened as he looked down at me. i looked back at him innocently.

i looked back at the ride, my back against his dick. i rubbed my back slowly against it, teasing him. he tightened his grip on my hips. "stop babe," he moaned softly.

the ride came to an end, every rider getting off and exiting. the same guy opened the gate, staring at me. i ignored it as i walked with grayson.

i then struggled to climb on the tall horse. grayson picked me up and sat me down on it. "thanks daddy," i thanked.

grayson purses his lips together as he got on his. we both buckled our belts as the rest of the horses filled up.

the guy checked everyone's seatbelts, and once he got to mine he took extra long to check it. grayson eyed him very carefully.

he then rubbed my inner thigh before leaving to go check graysons. grayson grabbed the guys shirt and pulled him closer to his face.

"listen bitch, take your nasty ass somewhere else and stop touching my girl." grayson spat, before pushing him away.

the guy quickly walked away shocked.

"that was hot," i said. graysons red face slowly faded into his natural face color and his pink lips curled into a smile.

"but i'd rather much want to be riding you right now instead of this horse." i said, tapping the side of the false horse.

grayson bit his lip. "stop with the riding jokes," he laughed.

- later -

"let's get churros yeah?" grayson asked. i nodded instantly. "yes yes yes yes yes!" he chuckled before going to the stand.

grayson pulled down his shirt a bit as if he was fixing it. but instead the hickies i gave him showed. "grayson!" i freaked, pulling his shirt back up.

he smirked as he pulled it down again. (666 words here) "hi can i get three churros," grayson ordered. the girl stared at grayson in awe. "y-yeah," she placed the order in before grabbing the churros. grayson swiped his credit card.

"excuse me sir, what is that?" the girl pointed out the hickies. grayson took the churros and smirked. "oh my princess gave me those, bye," he said.

my mouth hung agape as i stared at the fucktard in front of me. i snatched the churros from his hand and rolled my eyes. grayson laughed.

"so that's why you did it." i said.

"yeah," he laughed, taking a bite. i took a bite as well. i swallowed the BEST thing ever, before talking. "why'd you get three?" i questioned.

"i know you'd want another one." he smiled.

"awwww," i smiled with him.

- parade shit -

"you know what've i noticed?" grayson stated still staring at the colorful parade. "hmm?" i said.

"all these disney princess here, and you're my favorite one."


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