✧ remember me - ethan [6]

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ethan began to explain what happened to me.

"one day, this weird guy came to my house and started saying to come with him, and i said no. he then grew angry and said he'd kill grayson, cameron, lisa and sean if i didn't come with him. this went on for about a week. i finally gave in, to protect my family. the night i went to your room to say goodbye was the night i left. the whole plane ride there i was crying, crying i never got to see you again. he's now here, making me a slave for him. a sex slave."

at this point, he was sobbing into my neck. i patted his back in disbelief. i couldn't believe this was real.

"ethan i'm so sorry." i said. he nodded, as that was the only thing he could do right now besides sob.

the torches glowed up the room, the soft light hitting mine and ethans skin.

"done..." ethan whispered.

"hmm?" i hummed.


my eyes shot open, my body jolting upwards from the hospital like bed. the many wires that were connected to my body fell off.

"we're all done with your procedure hon," the nurse patted my head. i looked up to her with big eyes. "procedure?" i questioned.

"yes, the procedure to look at your vivid and surreal dreams," she explained. i looked down at my arm and scratched it. i was so lost...

"ethan." i bluntly said out of no where. the nurse stopped whatever she was doing and looked at me. "ethan?"

"ethan! where was he?" i slapped the cold bed sheets in anger. she folded the corner of her lab results anxiously. "must be another character your mind created..."


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