✧ hoodie - grayson

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storytime ; i went to target and found this awesome mtv shirt but it had no tag, so i asked a worker and she told me that last time they sold this particular shirt it was 3.00! i literally thought it would be 20 dollars but its not. so i got a great shirt for under 5 dollars :))

you and grayson were both at a smoothie shop. you sipped your strawberry drink happily. you looked at grayson, to see him with a odd expression and his perfect jaw clenched. you gave a pouty face.

"whats wrong babe?" you asked. you looked in his eyes, but only to find out that he wasn't looking at your [your eye color] eyes. he was looking at your cleavage.

you looked down at your shirt and pulled it up slightly. "grayson?"

he didn't answer. he slipped off his hoodie and gave it to you. "put it on." he said blankly.

"okay?" you said confuzzled. [not a real word but who cares]. you inhaled the beautiful scent of his sweatshirt. [its new merch1!11!!11!!!1]

"that guy over there has been staring at you for the past five minutes." grayson pointed to the guy at the table on the left of you. you turned your head.

you smiled. he was jealous. you slyly went under your booth and to his side, and pecked his cheek. he turned towards you, and you kissed his beautiful pink lips. you wrapped your arms around his amazing torso.

"i love you grayson."

"nuh uh uh, i love you more." he laughed. he licked your lips and smiled. "your lips still taste like your smoothie." he said.

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