✧ on my block - both

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inspired by on my block.
watch it if you want to sob,
and laugh at the same time.
it's on netflix by the way.


1. monse's name is changed to natalie.
2. ethan is oscar.
3. you are added into the group.


"finally, 9th grade!" i jumped onto graysons couch, ruby, natalie, and jamal jumping on it too. we all sighed as we closed our eyes.

grayson threw his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. i looked in his eyes as he looked at mine back. we both had some sort of 'thing', a thing the rest of our crew didn't know about.

we quickly ended our little moment, not wanting natalie, ruby, and jamal to see.

"what should we do now, now that we are freshman's?" jamal jumped up from his seat. we all exchanged glances weirdly. "jamal, we're on summer vacation. being a freshman doesn't change on what we do." ruby said.

i nodded. "yep, i agree." i nudged ruby in the arm. natalie shook her head. "well i agree with jamal." she got up and stood next to jamal.

"okay go ahead... do whatever you want." grayson rolled his eyes. jamal and natalie walked out of the house.

me, ruby, and grayson all sat down still. the tv was on, playing whatever it was playing.

"RUBY!" someone's voice called.

"who is that?" ruby asked.

"RUBY! please come home, i need you to be my mannequin." ruby's grandma came through the door and pulled ruby up.

"but abuelita!" ruby whined.

"eh eh eh eh, you're coming with me." she pulled him out of the house. ruby groaned in annoyance all the way out.

"see you later guys!" his voice called from the outside. me and grayson were the only ones left.

"it's just you and me." grayson said. i nodded, heat rising to my cheeks.

"yeah." i didn't know what else to say. grayson pulled me closer to him and placed his lips on mine.

a sweet kiss turned into a small makeout session. his hands found my waist as my hands found his neck.

jamal walked in. "i forgot my phone-"

me and grayson broke from the kiss. jamals eyes were wide, holding his phone. "oh my god..."

grayson and i exchanged looks. "listen jamal don't tell anyone about us..." grayson said. jamal huffed. "you guys know i can't keep a secret!"

"jamal! just try!" i shouted. he shook his head. "you both, have nine hours. i cant be too cold or too hot, can't be hungry or i can't be full."

"are you like, five or something?" grayson asked.

"no! it's just how i am!" jamal shot back.


kinda don't wanna
finish this imagine

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