✧ cheater - both

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i was awoken from my nap from the front door opening and slamming. my eyes shot open as i thought it was an intruder, as i quickly sat up in my bed and perked my head from the doorframe.

i tiptoed to the staircase, and saw grayson. he was on top of another girl making out with her full on.

i opened my mouth with horror as i saw him remove her shirt. i had to stop this, and fast.
i stormed down the stairs and both their head spun. graysons eyes widened as he stared at me shocked.

"whos this bitch?" i asked, crossing my arms. he got off her as she scoffed. "y/n... i thought you were at work..."

"it's my day off assclown."


"yeah o-oh," i mimicked. my eyes flickered to the whore on MY couch. "and who the fuck are you?" i asked, getting closer to her.

"danielle." she spoke. ( sorry dolanpapii )

"well, danielle, get the fuck out of my house before i whip your ass."

she quickly got up and ran out the front door. i then turned to grayson.

"oh boy, we aren't done yet. two can play that game," i winked, as i dragged my hand up and over his rock hard abs.

he clenched his jaw as he looked down at me. "what do you mean,"

"you'll see," i whispered, waking away from him and up the stairs.

30 minutes later

i walked down the stairs, my hair done and my outfit lookin cute. i passed by grayson who was on his phone. he looked me up and down before licking his lips, "where you going?"

"to see my mom," i replied, leaving. he nodded before looking back at his phone.

i wasn't actually going to my moms though. i was going to ethans.

luckily he didn't live that far, so i could easily walk there.

about minutes later, i knocked on his door. the door flung open to reveal a shirtless ethan wearing basketball shorts. "hey," he greeted.

"hey," i said, hugging him. after the hug, he looked at my outfit. "well don't you look good today," he chuckled.

i walked in, "yeah, aha, i guess you could say that."

ethans always had a crush on you.

"grayson cheated on me." i said, breaking the silence. ethan perked up his head as he rose an eyebrow. "really?"

"mhm," i nodded.

ethans eyes turned into a grey lust color. he stared into mine as he licked his lips and walked over to me.

"i'm sorry about that baby, i'll show you how a real man treats you," he said, placing his lips on mine. his hands found my ass, squeezing it harshly. i gasped and ethan took this advantage to slip his tongue in my mouth.

"mm yeah baby," he groaned, pulling me closer to him as i felt his hard on touch me. i wrapped my arms around his built torso, kissing him deeply.

he picked me up so i was now straddling him, his bulge rubbing against my wet core. i moaned as he left purple hickies on my neck.

"you're so damn beautiful," he said, removing his lips from my neck. he placed me on the kitchen island.

he pulled off my shirt and i was left in my pink lace bra. he stared at my chest hungrily, as he unclipped my bra in one swift motion.

he cupped my breasts as he sucked on my nipples. ( I AM FAR TO PURE TO BE WRITING THIS BUT FUCK IT. ) my hands fell back to the cold marble counter top as my mouth was hung agape in awe.

he swirled his tongue all around my nipple, before going to the other one to show the same love to it too. he squeezed them as he did so.

he removed his mouth from my breasts and a trail of saliva came from the process. he pulled down my jeans and so did (666 words;)) my panties.

"holy shit," he said, licking his lips. he then laid me back on the counter, before connecting his mouth to my pussy.


i moaned loudly as he licked a long strip, my hands finding his soft fluffy hair. "o-oh ethan..."

"yeah that's right babygirl. moan my name," he said.

he licked his fingers before inserting them into my core. he pumped them in and out, him curling his fingers and hitting my g-spot.

"fuck! ethan!" i shouted, tugging the end of his hair. his right arm extended and grabbed my boob, toying with it as he ate me out.

"so. good." he said. a tight knot formed in my stomach. i was a moaning mess. "i'm gonna cum ethan," i panted.

"cum for me baby," he moaned. i came all over his mouth, the knot in my stomach unraveling. i laid back as i shut my eyes closed, breathing heavily.

ethan licked his fingers as he stood up, hovering over me as he connected his mouth with mine. i kissed back tiredly.

"can you suck me off princess?" he questioned. i nodded, sitting up. he picked me up and sat me down at the couch, where he stood tall.

i unbuckled his pants and pulled them down, his erection springing up and hitting his abdomen.

he was bigger than grayson.

my eyes almost popped out on how big he was.

"well go on babe, suck," he said. i licked the top before going all the way. i couldn't even fit half of it, so i pumped the rest.

"fucking shit," ethan moaned, pushing my down head further. i choked on his dick as i made eye contact with him.

"you look so damn hot," he pushed my head farther. i went back up and the down, his tip hitting the back of my throat.

"fuck, i'm about to cum," he said. i sucked him so he could (1000 words bitches) cum faster.

he then came in my mouth, his warm seed filling up my tongue. "swallow," he demanded. i did so.

the front door opened as grayson walked in, both me and ethan looking at him. grayson stopped in his tracks as his nostrils flared, biceps flexing.

"what the fuck?" he spat.


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