✧ jealous & hurt - grayson

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you and grayson decided to go out to eat, something you both rarely do. grayson would always get trampled with fans, and honestly, you don't blame them. you're part of many fandoms, so if you saw your idols you want a picture too. (don't lie ;))))

you sipped your smoothie and sighed, staring at grayson. how could you ever get so lucky? he looked so adorable reading the menu, his beautiful eyebrows knitted together and his bottom lip stuck out unintentionally.

you already decided what you wanted to eat, so you roamed on your phone. you took a few pictures of grayson. "baby, look here," you said, leaning over the booth.

he looked up and smirked playfully, you laughing softly. you took another one of him smiling oh so cutely. you were about to take another picture but were interrupted.

"oh my gosh grayson dolan, can we get a photo together?" a gorgeous girl asked. you sat back in your seat.

"yeah, sure." grayson said. the girl squealed and pulled out her phone taking a picture. she gave you a dirty look.

who the fuck is gonna take a picture with MY MAN AND GIVE ME A DIRTY LOOK WHILE TAKING IT LIKE BITCH??????? you thought.

you tried to look as if you were doing something, so you went on snapchat.


"thanks!" the fan giggled and walked off. as you were gonna talk to grayson, more girls came.

"grayson! picture?"

"grayson bailey dolan!"

"can we get a picture?"

"ohhhh myyyy goddddd hissss jawwwwliiinnnnneeeeeeeee!" (me asf lmao.)

"yo, pic?"

you felt small against the girls. grayson kept his cool. "yes yes we all can get a picture," grayson smiled.

"grayson, what do you think of my shirt?" this girl asked, her cleavage showing harshly. grayson gulped, "uh, it's cool,"

soon, your whole breakfast was ruined. girls flooded your guys's booth.

"ugh, move y/n! you're in the way of our picture!" a girl scoffed. she pushed you away.

grayson told you to not fight his fans. "sorry," you mumbled. you walked out of the shop and back to home.

- back at home -

when you were angry, hurt, sad, or felt anything, your therapist said to write it all down in a journal.

you fell asleep in yours and graysons bed, the journal spread open with the broken pencil next to it.

grayson walked into the room, extremely guilty that your breakfast date was ruined. he was gonna shake you awake, but his eyes trailed to your journal.

dear journal, today grayson and i went to breakfast. but it turned into a disaster when so many fan girls came. they were all so beautiful, way prettier than i'll ever be. this one girl with stunning blue eyes told me to 'move out of the way' because i was in the way of her picture with MY boyfriend. i felt so hurt. i feel like shit. i'll never be good enough.
- feelings: mad, jealous, angry, sad.

graysons heart clenched in pain; sad his girlfriend has to go through this.


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