✧ memories - grayson

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grayson's p.o.v;

i walked into the local target, looking all around. i sighed as i grabbed a cart and pushed it lazily to the food section.

ever since me and y/n broke up i've been in a bad state of depression. it's gotten to the point where i don't even leave my house.

my mom is making me go out and get some groceries for her, so i can get out and get fresh air. i disliked the idea of it, but she insisted.

i entered the food isle and pulled out a list that my mom wrote me. on the list, it consisted things such as pasta, pasta sauce, carrots, milk, eggs, and so on.

i got a box of pasta and put it in the cart. my hands went numb and instantly fell cold. i was confused. i looked at my surroundings, to see y/n and her new boyfriend.

he was on his phone, pushing the cart. she was following him like a lost puppy, and my heart shattered.

she looked worn out. she looked sad. she looked done. she looked used. she looked tired.

she was wearing the shoes i bought her for her birthday. she was wearing my hoodie. my heart broke even more with every detail i identified about her.

her eyes met mine.

those damn eyes.

i wanted to run up to her and give her the biggest hug, a kiss on the lips, and tell her i still love her. but i can't.

all the memories came back to me. i remember when we would stay up to 2 am laughing about the stupidest things. we would go swimming at 6 in the morning, prank ethan, make pancakes together, sing to songs at the top of our lungs, watch a dogs purpose and cry our eyes out.

there was so so so so much more.

her boyfriend hung up the phone and looked down at her. she fake smiled, and he smiled back. he continued to push the cart, y/n's eyes glancing over to me before mouthing, 'bye'.

i stood in my spot, eyes watering.

oh how i wanted her back.

did she feel the same way?


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