✧ all of me - ethan

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ethan sat down, his lip trembling. he didn't want to break down and cry, so he kept his eyes on his paper.

he opened his mouth to read, but no words came out. ethan shut his eyes tightly as a tear slipped slowly down his red cheek. his face was hidden in the paper, tear drops wetting the crinkled sheet.

c'mon ethan. read the paper.

he sat up straight in the chair, his eyes not leaving the paper.

"dear y/n, where do i begin?
this is hard for me because you know i've always struggled on writing. well i suppose i should start with a thank you. thank you for being my bestfriend since middle school, thank you for never giving up on me. you are truly the light of my life... it's like i live in a pitch black world, but whenever i talk or think about you my universe is lit up with a gold light... you are my gold light... my path to happiness... my path to the future, without you i would be nothing but a failure. you are my rock, you are my sun, you are my moon, stars, everything beautiful. you truly are the best human to ever walk this earth. i wish i could've done something- ethan sobs- but i couldn't. i pledged to you that i would be your superman, that i would be your armor and shield from this cruel world. but i failed. to this day i can't control my tears. i love you y/n. i cant deal with this pain anymore, it's like i'm underwater and i cant get back up to the shore. all of me loves all of you, i wish i could've told you this sooner... before you were-"

ethan looks up from the paper to see y/n's monitor beep rapidly, her heart flat lining.

"no no no no no no..." he repeatedly says.

he gets up from his seat, his note falling to the ground. he leans over y/n's limp, cold body. he hugs her figure, his face against hers. he kisses all over his face as he sobs.

"y/n please... don't leave me alone..."

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