✧ innocent baby - grayson

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graysons point of view:

the big room faded different colors, from purple to a neon blue, green to a pink, any color you can really imagine.

hanging from the middle of the ceiling was a silver shiny disco ball, that spun. how cliche, right? a typical teenage party.

i sat on the counter, messing with a cup in my hand. mainstream music blasted through the expensive speakers. this party is lame.

i looked at the corner of the room, and saw ethan making out with a girl. i rolled my eyes, this was his fifth girl tonight. ethan dolan can get any girl he wants, and so can i. i just don't take it for advantage like he does.

believe it or not, just because i'm a well known person at school doesn't mean i hookup with girls every week. i'm rather much the opposite.

i poured the rest of my drink down the kitchen sink, and threw my cup in trash. scratch that, attempted to throw it in the trash.

you see, i'm not a basketball guy. soccer is more my thing.

i got up from the counter and went to go pick up my cup, but it looks like someone beat me to it.

"nice throw," she said, throwing the cup in the trash. at this moment, i still do not know who i'm talking to. her hair covered her face as she discarded my trash.

"thanks," i said, leaning up against the wall. "and who might you be?"

she turned towards me, her hair uncovering her face. she smiled softly. "y/n,"

"well hello baby." i smirked. her smile was so adorable, dimples pierced the sides of her face while she smiled.

she blushed profusely, her cheeks turning a bright red. "b-baby?" she shyly asked.

"yes, baby. do you mind if i call you that?"

"n-no, grayson."

i cocked a brow. "how do you know my name?"

"we go to school together..."

"oh, didn't notice." i said.

she bit her lip and looked somewhere else but my face.

"angel, i was playing. i know who you are. president of fashion club, eh?"

her face lit up. "y-yes! that's me!"

oh man. she is so precious.

"i could tell, your fashion sense is different than others." i said, grabbing onto her hips and pulling her close to me.

"do y-you mean that in a good way or b-bad way?" she asked nervously.

"good, obviously. you're sense of style is so cute  and adorable. you're not basic like the rest." i said, playing with pink butterfly clip in her hair.

"thank you grayson." she said, hugging me.

"no problem princess. and you don't have to call me grayson. daddy is better." i lifted her chin up so she can look up at me.

"d-daddy? why that word?" she asked.

"what do you mean why?" i asked. i thought she already knew, since everyone basically says that nowadays.

"it's a kink, precious." i replied.


she's innocent. that's hot as fuck.

"yes baby, now no more questions. do what daddy says."


"okay what?" i said, giving her a suggestive look.

"okay daddy." she smiled, her eyes twinkling.

i smiled back at her. "wanna get outta here and go back to my place? this party is kinda lame." i looked around, grabbing her hand.

she nodded. "sure. i don't think it's lame though. well, maybe i cant say that since this is only my first party." she rambled.

we walked outside, hand in hand. "first party?" i asked.


"gotcha." i said as i opened the passenger side door for her. "this is yours daddy?"

"yes baby."

"wowwww," she said in awe, like a kid in a candy store. she got in, still looking around my car.

i chuckled to myself. i got in too, facing towards her.

i stared at her for a bit, admiring her facial features. i could tell she grew self conscious, as she started fidgeting with her petite fingers.

"w-what are you looking at? do i have something on my face?" she asked, covering her astounding face.

i pulled her hand away, taking ahold of it. "not at all baby. i just think you're beautiful."

"o-oh," she said, her cheeks flushing a red color again.

"your lips look so soft." i said.

"kiss me then."

your wish is my command, i thought. but not really. i command, she obeys. oh fuck i should hurry up and kiss her.

i leaned in, my lips planting on her plump ones. she kissed back, opening her mouth leading my tongue to dance with hers.

ah, my innocent baby.


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