✧ trick or treat - grayson

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hey fuckers i'm back!
how have u guys been?!
i've been really fucking great. i'm so sorry for not updating. i'm just really enjoying life right now.


3rd person POV (age 14)

"mom, i'll be fine. i'm just going trick or treating with jamie and lucy." you said, fixing your cat ears. your mom gave you an unsteady smile, and handed you your candy bag.

"okay, just be safe baby." your mom said, kissing your forehead. you smiled. "i will."

you walked out the front door, waving your mom goodbye one final time before leaving. she waved back.

jamie and lucy were waiting for you, their cat ears looking identical to yours. you all decided to match this halloween.

"are you ready to get some candy?!" lucy yelled. "shut up lucy! you're loud!" jamie scoffed.

you laughed as lucy gave a hurt expression towards jamie. you patted her back. "it's 'kay lucy."

you three took a turn, and tons of teens and kids filled the atmosphere. lights were flashing and halloween music was playing faintly from a house.

"what house first?" jamie asked.

"your moms," lucy winked.

"for fucks sake lucy," jamie laughed. you laughed too.

while jamie and lucy were arguing, your attention was caught by two twin boys. they were dressed up as mario and luigi.

"guys, look! it's the dolan twins!" you whisper shouted.

lucy and jamie looked.

they knew you had a big crush on grayson.

"go talk to them, kitty girl!" lucy pushes you towards them.

you flipped off your friends in embarrassment.

"hey guys," you greeted.

ethan was mario and grayson was luigi.

"oh, hey (y/n)!" ethan said, fist bumping you.

"wassup," grayson said smiling.

"so, what are you guys doing out?" you asked.

"getting candy, duh!" grayson chuckled. ethan's eyes were attracted to jamie.

"hey jamie!" ethan said, leaving me and grayson.

i looked back, and lucy was kissing her girlfriend reyna. reyna and lucy walked off together. jamie and ethan were hitting it off, so you and grayson were the last left.

"your bags empty," grayson said, looking in your bag.

"yeah, i barely left my house."

"well come on, let's get candy."

"okay," you smiled.

you both walked off to a house.

"take one." a sign read. you and grayson exchanged glances, and decided to get handfuls of candy and throw it in your guys's bags.

now this went on for the whole night. barely any adults came out to actually hand you treats, so you got as much candy as you can.

"yo, what time is it?" grayson asked.

you pulled out your phone. "11:03, yikes!"

"shit, i have to be home by 11:30." grayson mumbled.

"why the sad face, g?" you said, lifting up his head by pushing up his chin.

"it's... it's just that i was having a whole lot of fun with you, y/n."

you smiled softly, the corners of your soft lips rising. "awh. me too grayson."

"can you walk with me home?" graysons eyes rose.

"for sure."

you two walked to graysons house. he stopped in his tracks. "shit, i'm sorry y/n!" he face palmed.

your eye brows tugged together. "for what?"

"i was supposed to walk you home."

"ah, it's okay grayson. my house is not that far. and i can always text jamie or lucy."

grayson frowned. "i feel like an ass now."

you shook your head. "don't stress it."

he looked you in your eyes, his hazel eyes glistening with all the street lights. his lips shone perfectly.

he leaned in, planting his lips on yours.

you smiled into the kiss.

he pulled away. "woah."

"woah?" you asked. you weren't sure if he meant that in a good way or bad way.

"you're beautiful." his face softened.

"shut it dolan, we all know i'm ugly."

"shut it (y/l/n), we all know you're the most beautiful girl."

your heart skipped a beat. "nopeee,"

"yes, and that's that."

"i have to go, text me please." grayson said.

"okay," you said, crossing your legs.

"goodnight cutie." grayson winked before walking off. "and happy halloween."


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