✧ why am i so in love - ethan

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play song
i know it's not the song it's
supposed to be but i just thought
it would fit better with the imagine.


ethans p.o.v:

she- she broke me. she tore me apart. not just me... but my entire life. she took my heart and played it like a game, and once she grew bored of that game she threw it away like a piece of trash.

for the past months, do you realize how much time i walked by her in the halls, saw her face, and wanted to break down crying? that girl man... she does crazy shit to people like me. people like you? what does that mean? people who are gullible enough to fall in love with a monster.

her eyes pull men into a trance. they are now under her control. they do not have the sensibility to know they are getting played, they just fall into her beautiful eyes again and again, on repeat. a cycle.

every single day, i'm drowning in my damn tears over her. the pictures of her in my phone find their own way to my heart and rip it in half. letting my body break down and sob. i can not do anything but choke out cries and struggle to gasp for air.

i cant find a way to move on... it's like a maze. i go one way but i lead to a dead end. that dead end being her. i turn back, going a different way, but ending up crashing back into her.

her face... seeing her face again and again- over and over again makes me broken. i try, i try a
so hard to run away from her in the long maze. my heart beats weak as i run away back into her. i cant escape this nightmare.

i cant escape this beautiful nightmare.

no, not beautiful. i keep tricking my mind to thinking it's beautiful... but it's not. it's lead to my life falling apart.

why am i so in love with her?



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