✧ i dont love you - grayson

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sad imagine bc why not


i sat on the burgundy couch, alone, half awake. the only light seen was from the television, which was playing re-runs of friends. the sound was all the way down; the only sound heard was the faint humming of the fridge.

it was pretty late. i didn't want to fall asleep without grayson. so, i waited.

and waited.

i'm still waiting.

i'm waiting for the sound of graysons keys jingle and fumble in the key hole.

but he's a no show. he told me he was going over to visit his parents at 8 pm. he said he'll be back around 10.

it's now 3:55 am.

where was he? couldn't he atleast texted me that he'll be staying over, staying later? i've texted him 20 something times.

my eyes began to grow a thin layer of gloss over them. my head hurt.

then, finally, the sound of keys chimed. my eyes widened.

grayson opened the door, and murmured curse words under his breath. he looked tired; and showed no emotion.

i don't know what to feel. anger? happiness? relief? sadness?

i've waited all night for him. he didn't answer any of my texts, he didn't bother to call me, i'm beyond mad. he could of been hurt, or... something worse.

"grayson! why did you come home so late?" i asked. you could hear the worry in my voice.

"get off my back," he slurred his sentence. his breath reeks of strong alcohol.

"gray? what- are you drunk?"

"is that a problemmm?" he replied, almost tripping over his own two feet.

"you said you were at your pa-"

"and i lied, [y/n]!"  he interrupted. i bit the inside of my cheek and stood there, saying nothing. "w-why?" i whispered.

"because i didn't want you to know i was at the bar, getting sober with ethan." he said, carelessly. he took off his shoes and threw them somewhere in the living room.


"no, don't 'gray' me! i'm a grown man, i can do anything i want!" he shouted. i shut my eyes as i felt his voice pierce through my ears.

"this... this is why i cant deal with you! i never did! i never loved you! i don't love you! i'm only dating you because, because i feel bad! and no one else will date ya, i mean look at you!"

my jaw dropped. i stared at him in disbelief. was he being serious? or sober? does he mean it?

"wow grayson. fuck you." my voice cracked.

he didn't do anything. he walked to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle.

i clenched my fists tight. i slipped on my shoes and slammed the door shut. i walked in the frigid air, not knowing where i was going. i didn't care, i just wanted to get away from him.


no part two because i'm lazy.

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