Zach Dempsey|Rough

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  Warnings: Rough smut

You had always been one of those girls that guys just seemed to like. Whether you were dressed up in a miniskirt or dressed down in a pair of sweatpants; they flocked to your side. You just had that certain, rare personality that made you likable. Even if you didn’t try to be, you were one of the most popular girls at Liberty High.

    “Well, looky looky who it is!” Jeff Atkins yelled from across the gym, waving you over from where you sat, quietly reading the latest novel of your favourite author. “Y/N, get over here!”

    You stood, tucking your book away in your backpack. You were just about to make your way over to him when you heard the familiar sound of Zach’s voice. He was babbling about something to do with basketball when he came waltzing through the doors, followed closely by a few of the other members of his team.

    His eyes met yours across the distance, a smile growing on his face. He started walking towards you, stopping dead in his tracks when he caught sight of Jeff. He had gotten up from the bleachers and was making his way over to you, Clay Jensen trailing behind.

    You sat back down, greeting them each with a smile as they plopped down on either side of you. While Jeff immediately threw his arm over your shoulders, Clay was a little more reserved. Still, he was sitting close enough your your thighs to touch.

    “What’s up, girlie?” Jeff asked, giving you a light squeeze. “Clay and I were just talking over there and we both agreed that we’ve never seen you at any parties.”

    Clay smiled, nudging your knee with his own. “He’s got a point, however direct it may be. Even go to parties.”

    You laughed, shaking your head. “You should go to parties, Clay. You act like no one likes you. I mean, come on! They like you as much as they like Jeff. I know I do.”

    “Uh, no,” he replied.

    Jeff leaned over, nudging Clay’s shoulder. “Take a compliment, Jensen. A pretty lady is telling you she thinks you’re cool.”

    Clay looked away, most likely hiding the blush that had seeped onto his pale cheeks. “Shut up, Jeff.”

    You smiled, grabbing Clay’s arm and pulling him against your chest. “Jeff is right. I mean, about the me thinking you’re cool thing.”

    Jeff was about to say something in reply when the sound of a basketball slamming into the bleachers next to you caught everyone’s attention. The three of you stared down at the broad, tanned form of Zach.

    He clenched his jaw, looking from Clay to Jeff before his eyes finally settled on you. He gave you that same look that he always did when he saw you talking to guys. That ‘I think you’re doing this on purpose’ glare, with the razor sharp eyes and accusing stance.

    You stood slowly, muttering a goodbye before hopping down to stand by Zach’s side. His arm was around you in seconds, pulling you tightly against himself as he steered you away from the boys and out of the gym. He brought you into the connecting locker rooms, guiding you to the right and into the girls’.

    Inside, you watched as he locked the doors, a murderous look on his face. He turned to stare at you, arms crossed over his chest, waiting for an explanation.

    “We were just talking,” you said.

    He collapsed on one of the benches, motioning for you to sit by him. You did as he said, placing a hand on his thigh.

    His eyes caught yours for only a moment, that black, swoopy hair falling just barely over his temple. “You act different around them than you do with me.”

    “No, I don’t,” you stated. “You just get too jealous.”

    “Jealous?” he asked, incredulous. He turned to grab you by the shoulders, pulling you flush against his chest. “I’m not jealous. I’m letting you know who you belong to.”

    There was a moment of shocked silence that was broken quickly by his lips crashing against yours. You barely managed to keep on your feet as he pulled you up with himself, backing you up against the lockers.

    You gasped as you were lifted suddenly, back shoved against a surface of cold metal. You could feel one of the locks digging into your hip as Zach ground against you, lips moving down to attack the skin of your chest.

    His hands were on you in seconds, slipping beneath your skirt and pulling at your underwear. He tugged the flimsy fabric down just enough to get to what he wanted.

    “Zach, not here,” you said, looking around at the empty room. “Someone could come in.”

    He popped open the button of his jeans, giving you a reassuring smile. “I wouldn’t be doing this if I thought we could get caught. We’re fine, babe.”

    You could feel yourself relaxing as you watched him spit into the palm of his hand, reaching down between the two of you to wet his growing erection. His eyelids fluttered as he gave himself a few rough jerks, gaze fixated on your thighs as they squeezed around his waist.

    He lined himself up with your entrance, pressing in slowly. You couldn’t stop the moan that came from somewhere in the back of your throat, the pleasant stretch of him sending shocks through your core. You shivered when his hips pressed flush against yours.

    He gave a deep grunt, gripping your waist tightly as he began to move. The slow in and out rubbed everything inside of you in just the right way. The quiet bang of your shoulders hitting against the loose locker doors echo’d throughout the room, only increasing the coil of white hot pressure building in your core.

    Your hands slipped up the back of his shirt as he picked up the pace. As his muscles flexed you could feel them beneath your fingers, taut and dominating. His hot breath beat off of your neck, tongue darting out to taste the flesh there.

    You hid your face in his chest, trying to muffle the stream of soft cries escaping your lips. His grip on your hips tightened and his thrusts became erratic, uneven and hard. That coil in your belly tightened even farther, sizzling hot.

    It only took another good slam of his hips into yours and you were toppling over the edge, moaning his name like a prayer as your orgasm hit you. He followed along shortly after, pressing into you as deeply as he could. You were just coming down from your high when you felt the slow warmth of his own spread in your core.

    He found your eyes, lips parted with heaving breaths. “You’re mine, Y/N. Only mine.”

    You nodded, breathless. “Only yours.”

🌟🦋🌹- Lo

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