Montgomery|Broken 1

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Warnings: Idc anymore🤦

High school sucked, to be blatant. It was filled with teenagers and annoyed teaches, and people that tried to get under your skin.

When you moved, you thought it’d be okay. A fresh start was always good, right? That’s what you thought until after you met Montgomery De La Cruz. It wasn’t necessarily meeting him that made you feel like crud. It wasn’t dating him, either. It was the after portion. Breaking up with someone you loved.

You weren’t up for physics. You’d came in the middle of the school year, so while everyone knew everyone, you were simply ‘the new girl’. You sat outside, watching the cheerleaders and baseball players practice. There wasn’t much to go home to besides a screaming mother and an ignoring father.

The first time you talked, he’d come up on the bleachers to sit with you, sweaty and nasty, but you didn’t mind that much. You gave him a simple acknowledgment by looking at him before quickly looking away, seeing him smile from the corner of your eye.

“What’s a girl like you sitting all by herself?” he asks, bumping you with his shoulder.

You shrug, “I don’t know anyone.”

He boyishly grinned and held out his hand, “Monty.”

You looked at his bruised hand, then to him before shaking the extended appendage, “(Y/n).”

From that, sparked a… different friendship. He flirted with you and you helped him with homework and hid at school with him after the day was done. You’d connected over things that you couldn’t with other people normally, and became friends with (most) of the friends he had.

You were running on the track, practicing for tryouts. It was something you acknowledged you were good at. You paused your time as you saw Montgomery waiting for you, or watching you. Either way, you greeted him with a happy and tired grin.

“What are you running from?” he jokes, throwing an arm around your sweaty and bare shoulders.

You chuckle, “Oh, you know, the normal; life, problems, less than exceptional parents.” you joke halfway. He looked down at you with a questioning look, “‘less than exceptional parents’?”

You shrug, pinching his side a bit and watching him jerk a bit, making you laugh.

“I’m trying to be serious, loser.”

“And I’m avoiding.” you grin to him as he walks with you to his jeep, you guys getting in and heading to Monet’s. Halfway through french fries and a milkshake, he speaks up.

“You’re not the only one with shit parents, you know,” he says, sitting back and shoving a fry in his mouth. You look up to him.

“I don’t wanna talk about it, Monty,” you say pointedly with a french fry in your hand before putting it in your mouth.

“I know.” he shrugs, you rolling your eyes in response, “Don’t roll your eyes at me!”

He threw a fry at you, making you laugh and throw your own at him. He gets up, you quickly doing the same and running out the door as he follows you. When you stopped to look around for him, he picked you up, laughing, making you scream and smack his forehead while laughing with him. When he put you down, he gave a soft look, “You know you can, though, right? Talk to me about whatever your parents do.”

You nod, kissing his cheek gently and smiling, “Thanks.”

His face looked through yours before he brushed a piece of hair behind your ear and leaning in, giving you a slow and soft peck on the lips, smiling as you put a hand on his chest, rubbing up to meet his shoulder and down to his stomach, another hand on the back of his neck, playing with the end of his hair as he deepens the kiss. He manages to get closer to you, resting his hands on your hips, squeezing them lightly before you broke it, finding him chasing after you.

The day after, however, was harder than expected. You came to school late, tear trails hitting your face. You quickly got to your locker and opened it, cleaning up your face a bit. Your nose was red, eyes puffy, eyelashes looking like they had a new coat of mascara on. When you closed the door after grabbing your books, you found him.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked gently, wiping a spot you’d missed. You pushed his hand away and wiped at your face yourself as he pulled you into his chest for a tight hug, kissing the top of your head and rubbing your back.

“Wanna ditch school?” he asks in a half-joking manner. You shake your head before hearing the one person you couldn’t stand in his friend group, Bryce Walker.

“Damn, Monty. This your new weekend girl?” he joked. You looked up to Montgomery, then to Bryce, his face dropping when he realizes it’s you. You glared at him.

“Sorry Gorgeous didn’t know you were down for guys who got beat up by their dads.” he shrugged, poking fun with Marcus.

You quickly made your way to him, slapping him in the face, “Shut your fucking mouth.” you growled before Montgomery pulled your hand back, you push him away again.

“Is that all I am? A ‘weekend girl’?” you snap at him. He shakes his head, trying to talk, but you walk outside of the school, ignoring him. He follows you to a wall, where you press your back up against it, feeling claustrophobic as he puts his hands on either side of your face.

“Will you listen?” he sighs, “when I said hey that day, yeah, you were supposed to be. But, Jesus, (Y/n), I really like you, okay?”

You push at his chest to get him away, not believing him, “Go away, Cruz. You’re a jerk.” you sob, continuing to try to push him away as he brings you to his chest, rubbing your back and kissing your head like he had earlier. You quickly found yourself craving that feeling every time you were upset.


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