Clay|Ending it all

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Warnings: Attempted suicide,Fluff and a long ass story Becky bye

I am floating in nothing, darkness surrounds me. I feel nothing, no pain, no happiness, no regret, no hopes no dreams. I am just floating in peace.

"shit clay!"

It's distant, almost like an echo of a child calling from the mouth of the deepest cave on the planet.

I suddenly feel a tug on the back of my t shirt, it jerks me suddenly, then I am floating again.

"help me with him...grab his legs we have to get him out of the water!"

That echo of a voice again, another sudden jerk downwards. It's like their is a fishing line hooked into the back of shirt, every time that echo sounds the line jerks me down, momentarily disturbing the perfect peace in which I float.

"Clay, bud, I need you to throw up for me...come man, clay?"

Another tug, more forceful. It seems to pull harder as the voice becomes more in focus.

"clay, please...please helmet"

A massive tug down, "helmet?" I know that word...I know that voice, a sweet voice...I like that voice.

"please! Helmet, please listen to my voice, please"

She sounds sad. This sing a jerk, I'm falling now, falling through the darkness.

"come on clay, throw up man"

Falling faster, the darkness turns to a golden yellow, then white. I can feel...something...wet, wet material around

"come on helmet, please"

Hands, I feel hands in my hair. I feel pain, pain in my stomach, burning much pain.

I can't feel my left hand though...the pain is spreading, it's clawing it's way through my body.

I crack an eye, barely. I can see the owner of the sad voice.

"Hannah?" I breath weakly "sorry" my eyelid falls shut again.

And then, I'm floating.


The birds sang on the beautiful summer day, but Hannah baker didn't hear them, she sat outside liberty high, her bag beside her, a text book open on her lap, but she didn't see it. She starred into space not really focusing on anything, she was unaware of her silent tears as they generally ran down her face.

She didn't know how long she had been sat there like that, and would of more than likely stayed like that for the rest of the day if it hadn't been for the horn of the red mustang before her.

"Hannah! Hey, you in there?" tony called from the drivers window.

She jolted back to the present, suddenly feeling the trails of the tears on her cheeks.

"what is it Tony?" she called wiping the tears, trails and her eyes with the sleeve of her coat.

"I'm going to visit Clay, wanna come with?" he called back watching her gather up all her things.

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