Zach Dempsey| Mean it

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Warnings: Long ass story smut and Swearing

"Calm down, Zach," You chimed, touching his arm gently. "It was a dare."

"It was a dare?!" He exclaimed, stepping toward you. "I don't care, Y/N! You shouldn't mess with people like that it's fucked up!"

You stepped back from the seething boy, wishing that Justin had never texted you the stupid dare. "You're acting like a baby." You folded your arms across your chest, frowning up at the tall boy.

"And you're acting like a bitch."

Your mouth grew dry, yet your hands became clammy. Did he just call you a bitch? Zach was a friend, a best friend actually, and you wished it was more, but you guys never fought. Perhaps if you never accepted the dare Justin had set upon you, Zach wouldn't be glaring holes into your face.

"How was I even messing with you?!" You raised your voice, confusion flooding your face.

"Because," He stalked toward you, making you step back in reply, before he pinned your body against the wall. "When you kiss someone you should mean it."

Your heart was beating faster every second that passed. His breath quickened as he stared into your eyes. He was serious, but he was also seriously hot. Damn this boy.

"How do you know I didn't mean it?" You quietly asked, honesty lacing every syllable.

His breath hitched at the meaning behind your words, hands reaching up to cup your face. You ran your tongue over your bottom lip, Zach's eyes flicking to your lips before trailing back up to your eyes.

"I dare you."

Your stomach ignited at his whisper, his lips lightly dragging along your neck. The tight grasp you had on your pants dropped and you moved them to his shirt instead, pulling to bring his body further against yours before crashing your lips on his.

He growled into the kiss, moving his hands to your waist in order to pick you up and carry you over to his bed, your legs wrapping around his waist. Your kiss broke apart as he lay you down, his breathing unsteady as he attached his lips to your neck.

"Z-Zach," You stuttered, running your hands over his back. "I want you to fuck me."

His growls were deep, and you could tell he was still pissed off deep down. "Do you dare me?"

You swallowed hard, dancing your fingers along his spine. "I double dare you."

He chuckled against your neck, the feeling of his smile against your skin caused your stomach to twist in excitement. You were very aware that you were in his house, but the excitement and fear of someone coming home just fueled your want and need for Zach.

"You've been rude all day," He kissed down to your chest. "And I think," He paused, moving down to unbutton your pants. "You need to be punished."

You let out a small moan at his words, helping him take your pants off, the cool air igniting goosebumps on your skin as he slowly dragged them down your legs. His warm hands gripped your thighs tightly as he moved up your body.

"But how?" You breathed.

He smirked, getting off of you and standing up beside his bed, running a hand through his dark hair. He unbuttoned his pants and took them off, stepping back to his bed and hovering over your lying figure.

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