Tyler Down|Better

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Warnings: Fluff and a short ass story

You woke up to a dark room. You could see the moon, big and brilliant, was still peeking through the blinds of your window, and when you looked at the alarm clock it said that it was only 2:13. Another small tap, like what had awoken you in the first place, drew your attention to the tall figure looming over your bed.

    “Tyler, what are you doing up?” you muttered, voice still groggy from sleep.

    He shrugged his shoulders, face becoming clearer as your eyes started to adjust. “I can’t sleep, I guess.”

    You moved backwards to make room next to yourself, and pulled back the covers. “C'mon, get in.”

    You didn’t have to tell him twice. He crawled next to you, snuggling up to your chest like a little kid. You stroked a hand through his curly hair, tangling  your legs with his, and smoothed your free hand down the middle of his back.

    Between the warmth of the bed and the comfort of having someone else in it; you were almost immediately falling back to sleep. The edges of your vision were just beginning to blacken, pulling you back into a dark abyss when you heard Tyler’s voice.

    “Are you ever afraid of yourself?”

    Your eyes snapped up to his. “What?”

    “Do you ever think or do things that you shouldn’t do?” he asked. “I mean, bad things. Like things you could get in trouble for.”

    “Yeah, I guess I’ve thought of some bad things before. I mean, everybody thinks about murdering someone at least once in their lives, right?” you replied.

    He frowned, an obvious indication that you hadn’t exactly gotten his point. There was a short silence before he spoke again. “Do you think I’m a freak?”

    You shook your head. “No. Why? Do you think you’re a freak?”

    He wriggled around until he was on his stomach, half lying on top of you, not that you minded. He barely seemed to weigh anything, even though he ate like someone who should. You readjusted yourself, throwing an arm over his waist.

    “Other people call me a freak,” he said quietly. “Do people call you names?”

     "No matter what they say, you’re a great guy,“ You pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I get called the usual names every once in a while. Slut, whore… stuff like that. I think everybody at Liberty High does.”

    “This school sucks,” he murmured.

    You laughed. “Yeah. It sucks bad.”

    This time when Tyler moved it was so that he could crawl over you, to the part of the bed that was pressed up against the wall. You let him, moving over to the outer edge. He looked a lot more at ease when you rolled over to face him, and his hands were just as grabby. He pulled you into a nearly spine crushing hug, seemingly with no intent on letting you go.

    “Tyler?” you asked.

    “Yeah?” he mumbled in reply.

    “Are you feeling alright?”

    Although it was dark, you just barely managed to catch him shaking his head. His grip loosened enough for you to wiggle out of it. You sat up, moving to climb on top of him. Despite the high-pitched, surprised noise that came from him, he made no move to stop you.

    You sat there for a moment, poised over his lap. He remained completely still, staring up at you with the same doe-like, sad eyes that you had first fallen in love with. When you noticed his hands, balled into tight fists at his sides, you took them into your own. You massaged them gently until he loosened his grip and let them fall open.

    His body tensed as you leaned down, ghosting your lips over his collarbone. They trailed up the curves of his neck, lingering there in the hollow where you knew he’d always been pretty sensitive. From the quiet gasps that slipped through his parted lips, you suspected it still was.

    “Wh-what are you doing?” he stuttered.

    You smiled. “I’m doing what you do when someone’s hurt, kissing it better.”


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