Justin Foley|Help me

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Warnings: Fluff and drug abuse

“that’s my bed, justin.” clay deadpanned at justin when he saw his back hunched with viscous yellow liquid pouring out on his sheets.

you, however, were a little more compassionate than clay, and carried a garbage can over to justin and helped him up, walking him to the bathroom. he placed his hand on either side of the sink, still belching. soothingly, you rubbed his back with one hand and held his forehead with another, “thank you, (y/n).”

“hey, (y/n), you got spares in the morning right? so can you watch him for the next couple days til’, say, after lunch?” clay spoke to you as he packed his bags for school.

“yeah, of course.” you shot clay a smile as he left the room and returned your attention back to justin, “okay, you need to sleep. just sit here for a sec, i’ll change the sheets.” as you were doing so, you couldn’t help but feel a gaze on your back and so you turned around so see justin staring at you, “what is it?”

“uh, nothing, just– it’s nothing.” justin awkwardly dismissed you and let out an exhausted sigh.

a few moments later, you were done changing the sheets and let justin sleep. you sat at clay’s desk, thinking you could get ahead in school by doing some extra homework. 3 hours passed by, and justin woke up.


“yeah, justin?”

“i’m bored.”

sighing, you placed your pen down on your notebook and turned to look at him, “what do you wanna do? clay’s got some boardgames in the basement, or we can chill with some netflix?” realizing what you said, you quickly rephrased, “i-i mean like, watch netflix, not netflix and chill, just watching a movie and doing nothing else, i- uh, i’ll get out my laptop.”

you heard justin snicker from behind you and shot him a playful glare.

mornings went past, and you and justin became closer and closer. you would talk about the most random things, play board games, watch movies and provide commentaries on them, watch vine compilations, and sometimes when the jensen’s weren’t home, you’d cook and bake.

justin found out more about you and took an incredible liking to you. he was grateful for you for helping him get clean, and he really really really liked you. he was afraid of telling you or making a move though, you were the perfect poster child and he was a recovering drug addict.

“alright, justin, what do you want for lunch? we got chicken noodle and vegetable medley.”

“i want a burger.” justin whined playfully, pouting.

you rolled your eyes at him with a smile, “c’mon you know you can’t have that shit for a while. i’ll just get you some chicken noodle soup and some bread. be back in 20.”

when you came back, you saw justin with a needle in one hand, about to drug himself again, “justin, what the fuck?!”, you hastily placed the food on clay’s desk and grabbed the needle out of justin’s hand, “we’re trying to get you clean to testify for jess and this is what you do?! you’re fucking unbelievable.”

“no, (y/n), listen, it’s just so hard, please, i’m sorry.” justin teared up and bit his lip.

you couldn’t help but look at him with pity, even though you know he hated it. justin and you weren’t ever really close, but you had a couple classes together. you never thought of him as someone you would want to spend time with, but here you were.

you looked at him and you felt bad. you saw a broken boy, with a heart bigger than what he gets for it. you saw that he needed to be loved and cared for. you loved him, and would give anything to help him get better. you pulled him into your arms, placing one hand at the base of his head, “i know, i know, i’m sorry for freaking out. it’s okay, don’t cry.” his body shook under your arms, and you felt your shoulder getting wet from his tears.

a week past and it was after hannah’s service, at monet’s. justin was released and the two of you reunited, “it’s about time you’re back.” you teasingly patted his back.

“(y/n) i have something to tell you. two things actually.”

you took in a nervous breath and smiled, “w-what is it?”

“one, clay’s family is adopting me-”

“oh my god. oh my god! justin! that’s amazing! you pulled justin in for a big hug and felt your eyes tear up.

he’s finally getting what a deserves. a good family with people who love him.

you pulled back, “wait, (y/n), are you crying?”

“justin, i-i’m just really happy, you’re finally getting what you deserve. i’m so fucking happy for you,” you wiped your tears and laughed, “fuck, that was so cheesy.”

justin laughed, “yeah, it was.” you punched his shoulder playfully, “okay. now, the second thing. (y/n), i really like you. as more than a friend. you did so much for me when i was trying to get clean, and i really fucking appreciate that. you’re the most kindest and funniest and compassionate person i know and i really fucking like you. uh, i guess what i’m trying to say is that, i-” justin look up at your eyes and got lost in them. they were beautiful. they were deep and soulful and heavenly and looked like they held a million stars in them. he could fall asleep just by staring at them, “i love you, (y/n).”

your lips parted and your heart sped up, you were sure justing could hear it beating. your mouth naturally moved into a wide smile and you nodded your head vigourously, “i love you t


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