Zach|The shooting

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Warnings: Cursing school shooting and short ass story

Everything was amazing until that that. The day that my loved ones died. The day that ruined my life forever. The day of the shooting.

“Wanna ditch 4th?”, said Zach sitting right next to me, quickly slamming his face with food. We all have been close since the tapes came out public. We have faced obstacles together, and it being our senior year, we need each other the most.

Its awkward to think that the people around us know what I have done to Hannah, but it wasn’t compared to what Bryce did. Thank god he’s in jail. The whole group was surprised of how many girls came out to say Bryce raped them. We are all happy they have justice.

The bell rang. “Hey Zach, I think I’ll talked you up on that offer. Meet you in the lounge.” I shouted over the loud rustle of kids’ backpacks and them walking out the lunch room. The lounge is our secret room where we meet when we ditch. It’s actually an old janitors closet, but no one uses it.

We added somethings from the drama room to make it look nicer than before. We were able to fit a couch and even some lights. Blankets and old curtains filled the place up. We love it there.


“SHHHHH, I saw the principal walk by here a second ago. Hurry get in” Zach screamed at me.

I quickly ran in, hoping any of the teachers didn’t see me. “Jesus, I swear we need to find a better hide out.”, I say as Zach grabs my Hand.

“But this is the most quiet” he places a hand on my cheek pulling me forward about to kiss you.

“What the FUCK!”, you screamed at Zach. “What he hell do you think your doing!” You ran out of the closet as fast as you could. You went to the girls bathroom.

*beep, beep*

The silent lockdown sound went off while I was washing my face. The school had weird circumstances with lockdowns. There was an alarm, it was really quiet and when it’s heard you know shits about to get real. The last time the alarm went off we had a crazy, drunk homeless man in the school.

“Shit”, you whisper. “The teachers won’t let me in. What do I do?” You think back to going to the Janitors Closet but you don’t want to go through anything with Zach again.

“Its probably a drill” you roll your eyes. But deep down you know it’s not. They don’t pull drills with that alarm. But in your head. “There’s a first time for everything.”

You start to walk for the hall way.

The lights are off, but you see a figure in the distance. Standing either with their back to you or face to you. It was too dark. In the corner of your eye you saw the red dot, the alarm light. You knew that this wasn’t a drill no more.

You were frozen. You couldn’t move. They might have seen you. But they didn’t react to your presents.

The faintest noise came from the direction of the person. “(Y/N) run.” You knew what it said. You knew who it was.



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