Tony Padilla|Sex talk

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Warnings: Long story extremely detailed smut fluff swearing and daddy kink

The door of the house of my best friend opened before I could possibly knock on it. Y/n had probably seen me already through the window, because she was already smiling before I could properly face her. Her smile brightened with the day when I came here (almost daily) to visit my best friend Tony. We have a close friendship with each other ever since we were small. About 4 years old at that time, I can remember.

“Hey, Y/n. Welcome,Tony is upstairs in his room, looking at car parts. I got to go to Gem, she needs my help with placing furniture in her new home. I’ll see you guys later again.” She told with a lovely smile, pressed a small kiss on my cheek like she has always done when I came here and then walked out the door, leaving it open for me to close after I had kicked off my shoes.

“Okay, then.” I spoke mainly to myself as y/n got in her car and drove away seconds later. I kicked off my shoes, gently closed the door and walked upstairs with sweaty hand palms. I didn’t even believe myself that I was actually going to ask him this. He would show me, I thought, Tony was so nice to show me how to do such things. With a gentle knock on his bedroom door I made clear I wanted to enter the room.

“Come in.” His deep voice spoke and I complied, immediately opening the door with a shaky breath leaving my mouth. Tony laid on his bed, some books in front of him while his glance rose and met mine. A smile appeared on his cute face and he immediately sat up, got off the bed and sped walked to me to cuddle me in for a little bit. 

“Hey,” He murmured when his arms were tightly wrapped around my small frame and buried his face into the crook of my neck, smiling. I always loved that about Tony, how he completely cuddled into my body, how he brought his face to my neck and always gave me that warm welcome.

“Hey, gorgeous.” I grinned and pressed a kiss on his temple, that made him hum for a second before he drew back and invited me on the bed. He quickly removed all the books, made one neat pile and placed them on his desk before collapsing back onto the mattress, next to me. He smiled at me and sighed softly, clearly happy to see me so he wouldn’t have to do his homework now.

While nervously playing with my fingers, I began to doubt if he was the right person to ask this. Maybe I should trust on my own things instead of asking someone else. If I could find someone who’d have a lot of patience, time and the care to show me everything, it would all work out just fine. Or maybe it wouldn’t…

“Stop acting so overly nervous. What’s wrong?” Tony asked while he turned his head to me and let his brown eyes bore holes into mine. I released another shaky breath when I could hear my brain repeat his last words. What’s wrong? A lot, actually. I’m in need of help with a somewhat awkward subject.

“I need your help with something, if you don’t mind helping me out.” I breathed and then mentally slapped myself for asking him for help. Tony is my best friend, and even though he is, it is still very awkward to ask him this. But he is the only male I’m super close with, so that left me with this position.

“Of course I don’t mind. With what do you need?” He spoke with that sweet, angelic, friendly tone of his that got my thoughts spinning. I didn’t really know what it was but Tony’s voice made my whole body lose control. I guess that it was just some natural reaction between us. 

My lips kept being sealed shut, while I could feel sweat appear in the palms of my hands. Should I really ask this?

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