Jeff Atkins|The kiss

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Warnings: Smut swearing and fluff my literal iconic warnings yeettt

The car ride home was you crying, Alex not knowing what to do, and your heart breaking as you thought about losing Jeff. Your brother helps you inside and you’re glad that your dad isn’t home. He would only make this worse, hounding you to find out who hurt his little girl.

“Go back to the party,” you tell Alex. “Go have fun.”

He protests, worried about you. You assure him that you’ll be fine. “I just… I just want to be alone for a little while.”

  He’s still hesitant, but finally he agrees. “Alright,” he sighs. “Call me if you need me, I mean it. I’ll come home.”

 You force a small smile and nod, thanking him. When he wasn’t being a pain in your ass, he was a good brother. You’re glad that you have him.

   When he leaves you walk up the stairs to your bedroom, numb and tired. You couldn’t cry anymore, you were cried out. You collapse onto your bed and stare at the ceiling.

How did things go from perfect to broken so fast?

So this is what being broken hearted felt like? When Caleb Casey broke up with you in the eighth grade you cried, thinking it was the end of the world. It felt like nothing compared to this. You were sure that what you had with Jeff was the real deal. Were you wrong?

                        What happened at the party, the kiss, haunted you, taunted you, playing over and over in your head. Haley kissing Jeff. You closed your eyes tightly, as if it would make it stop. It hurts so bad, you are starting to think that you might actually die from a broken heart.

                             Your phone kept buzzing. You knew it was Hannah and Clay. They had to be worried about you. You grab your phone and swipe to the right. The brightness of phone stings your sensitive eyes. You turn down the brightness and scan the screen.

Missed Calls:

HannahBanana (12)

Bandaid (10)

Text Messages:

HannahBanana- Are you okay? Alex told us to give you space, but I’m worried about you :(

Bandaid- I’m going to punch him, I swear I will! I mean, I will once I find out where he went.

BabyBoy- I’m coming over. We need to talk.

            You sit up quickly, staring at your phone with wide eyes. It was Jeff. You suddenly go from sad to pissed off. You didn’t want to see him. Screw him! You throw your phone, not caring where it lands or even if it breaks. Rolling off of your bed you nearly run down the stairs, hearing a door slam. He was here. You swing the door open just as he’s walking up to the door.

“You need to leave.”

He pushes past you, walking into the house. You huff, slamming the door shut. “Did you not hear me? Leave.”

He ignores that. “What the fuck has been going on with you lately?”

         You’re taken back by his words. You’ve heard him curse before, but never at you. “Me?!” You ask incredulously. “You’re the one who blew me off, ignored me, and cheated on me!”

“Cheated?” He basically roars. “I never cheated on you!”

You scoff. “Right. Haley told me everything,” you sneer. God, you’ve never been so mad at him before. “You kissed her, at Jessica’s party, you kissed her…  RightInFrontOfMe!”

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