Zach|Suck & Blow

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Warnings: Cursing Smut & Drinking

The music from Montgomery’s house is already to be heard from two blocks away and I can’t help but smirk as I adjust my shirt and wipe some hair out of my face.
A soft breeze cools down the hot air that’s been hovering for the past couple of days, causing me to get goosebumps.
But yet again it’s the perfect weather to have one of the famous party’s, everyone is talking about constantly.
Who can blame them? Our party’s are always the ones, where almost the whole school comes together and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

And with we, I’m talking about myself and the rest of my friends.
Zach Dempsey, Jessica Davis and everyone else.
People refer to us as the Royals from Liberty High but mostly we’re just like any other clique.
We fight, we break up and at the end of the day we make up.

I cross the street that is leading to Monty’s house and raise an eyebrow in amusement.
The party started thirty minutes ago and there are already at least 20 people gathering around in the front yard, drinking and talking.

That didn’t take long.
After I greeted them I make my way up to his front door and push it open, only to be welcomed with the strong smell of alcohol, weed and cheap perfume.

“Y/N!”, Jessica shows up in front of my and immediately thrusts a red cup into my hand while taking a sip from her own.
“What in there?”, I ask before she links her arm to mine and leads me into the living room where the music is blasting even louder than outside.
“That my friend is vodka. Drink it up!”, she laughs and I shake my head while grinning before I take a huge gulp of my own and look around.

As usual you can make out the different groups you will meet on every party.
The couples, all tangled up in one another.
The outsiders, being…well..outsiders and forming their own group.
And then you have my friends. The center of attention.
Monty is leaning against the wall while flirting with a pretty brunette.
Alex is talking to Jeff about something I can’t understand.
And the rest is gathered around the table in the dining room, playing beer pong.

“You’re finally here.”, Zach stumbles over to me and I nod with a smile on my face before he grabs me and pulls me to the beer pong table with him.
Before I even have the chance to resist I’m throwing a ping pong ball over the table, trying to hit one of the red cups.
Unfortunately I miss, causing all of them to cheer as I drink up my cup in one gulp.

Yep, this night is definitely going to be one of the nights where we all wake up together in the living room, hungover but full of happiness.

Three hours later all of us are pretty wasted so it doesn’t surprise any of us when someone suggests to play a round of Suck and Blow.
I’m sitting on the armrest of the couch, flanked by Zach sitting on the floor on the one side and Alex on the other one on the couch while the rest formed a circle and Monty pulled a card out of one the cabinets.
“However looses the card, drinks.”, Justin exclaims and I laugh before I watch him giving the card to Jessica, her giving the card to Hannah and so on.
The first two rounds work pretty well without any of us loosing the card but when Sheri gives the card to Zach and he turns around to give it to me, it happens.

Blaming the alcohol and my lack of keeping my balance I feel my body making the wrong turn.
Faster than I could react I fall on the ground next to Zach, causing all of us to burst out in laughter and him holding on to the card as strong as possible.
Still giggling I lean over to him and try to take the card from him by sucking it onto my lips but the laughter and my previous fall cause me to loose it.
But not only loosing the card.
Our lips still so close to one another they meet when the card falls down and my lips land on Zach’s.
Everyone gasps and starts laughing but instead of pulling away both of us start intensifying the kiss and I wrap my hands around his neck to push me closer to him while his hands rest on my waist, pulling me closer.
After what feels like forever our lips detach and we’re both take some deep breaths to regain the oxygen.

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