Alex Standall|Disapproval

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Warnings: Things get heated at the end but not really smut, also fluffy af

Today was the day you introduced your boyfriend Alex to your mom. Your dad was out of the country for a month, but your mom couldn’t wait to meet the boy that made you happy, so she invited him over since you were always talking about him. You thought she would love him almost as much as you did, but that was certainly not the case. And now, you were arguing with her.

“I don’t like him, Y/N, he seems so fake. You could do better than that.” your mom said, as she crossed her arms and sighed.

“Mom you don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t even know him !” You snarled at her.  

“I do know what I’m talking about Y/N. I know boys like him, I’ve been young before. He’s not good for you, and you know I only want you to date someone who knows how to make you happy.”

“No you don’t ! You don’t know him like I do. And if you really wanted me to be happy, then you would let me date him. He loves me, he treats me well, he doesn’t cheat, he doesn’t make me feel wothless. What else do you expect from a boy?!”

“Fine ! If you want to be with him, then go ahead, but when he breaks your heart, don’t expect me to be your crying shoulder.” she raised the tone of her voice.

You couldn’t handle this anymore, you ran past her and made your way upstairs towards your room, tears falling through your red cheeks. You sat on your bed and held your ribs, letting your sobs wrack your body. You had never been so angry at your own mother before. You couldn’t believe she would ever treat Alex like she just did. You pulled out your phone then typed his number, trying to focus on your breathe and bouncing your legs in anxiety. You bite your lips when the phone rang and let another tear fall when he finally answered.

“Babe ? What’s wrong ?” he asked in a concerned tone.

“M-My mom. She doesn’t want me dating you because sh-she thinks you’ll hurt me.” you said between hiccups.

“Y/N, please don’t cry. It’s okay, I don’t care if she loves me or not, it won’t change the way I feel about you, and you know how much I love you, I could never hurt you.”

“I know but, it’s just…I don’t know, she doesn’t understand…besides, your dad thinks i’m good for you, but my mom…I don’t even want to think about her words anymore..”

“Babe, I’m not home yet, do you want me to come back and pick you up ?”

“She’ll never let me go out with you.” your voice came out smaller than it was supposed to be.

“Then I’ll climb up to your window and we’ll cuddle.”

Alex sat on your bed while hugging you from behind and you both stayed silent.

He stroked your arm gently and played with your hair as you closed your eyes, trying to calm down and forget about everything that happened earlier.

After a bit, Alex broke the silence that filled the room.

“We’ll figure it out babe.” You nodded “You know we can’t be perfect in everybody’s eyes. And who knows, maybe your mom will like me when we’ll get married.” he smiled and you laughed, finally opening your eyes and leaning your head back to look up at him.

“But I don’t want her to hate you.” you sighed and he leaned in to kiss you while placing a hand on your cheek.

“Babe, whatever your mom thinks, it will never affect our relationship, trust me.” he soothed.

“I know.” you smiled, and he kissed you again.

A few seconds later, you noticed a smirk on his lips and you frowned.

“What are you thinking? Why are you sm-” you were cut off by him placing his fingers on your sides and tickling you. Tears of laughter soon showing in your eyes, you tried to remove his hands but he always managed to put them back to where they were.

“Alex s-stop ! I c-can’t breathe ” you screamed and laughed uncontrollably, your sides beginning to hurt from all of the laughter.

“Shhhhh! keep quiet babe, your mom will hear us.” he quietly laughed and you put one hand on his chest, pushing him away a little. He finally stopped, and a wide smile scretched across his beautiful face, making his dimple sink into his cheek.

“I love you. Did you know that ?”

“Hm, I think you may have mentioned it a couple of time already, so, yeah.”

Alex crashed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss biting down softly on his lower lip before pulling away, and within seconds his lips were attached to your neck. You bite your lip as he placed his hands on your waist and pulled you in for another kiss, breaking it only enough to get his shirt off.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to keep quiet if you keep going.” you smirked and a small laugh escaped his lips.

“At least your mom will know how much I love you.”


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