Scott Reed|Virginity

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Warnings:Smut and fluff and virginity loss lolll (OMFG IM FEELING 6 LAUGHING AT THIS)

You were currently sat on your boyfriend, Scott’s, bed reading over a history textbook that you had brought over to study with him. You both had a test the next day and at the rate you were getting stuff done, you were definitely going to fail. 

Groaning, you rolled onto your back looking up at Scott who was looking down at you. Smiling, he gave you a questioning look as if to say ‘what’s wrong?’

“I’m definitely going to fail this damn test! None of this stuff is sticking in my brain!”

“It’s because we’ve been doing this all day babe, we deserve a break,” it was now Scott’s turn to groan.

Sitting up, you shut the textbook and placed it on the floor beside your bed. Turning to face your boyfriend who had his pencil placed in between his teeth and creased his eyebrows.

“What are you doing princess?”

“You wanted to take a break, so we’re taking one. What did you want to do?”

Smirking, Scott pushed you slightly so you were laying down.

“I had a few things in mind,” he whispered, sliding his hands up your thighs and attaching his lips to yours before pulling away, “but only if you want to do them, babe.”

Biting your lip you gave the idea a thought. The furthest you and Scott had gone was making out, but only because he didn’t want to pressure you into anything you didn’t want to do. 

“We don’t have to baby. I’m perfectly fine with just being here with you,” Scott whispered, looking down at you with such care in his eyes you thought your heart might explode with the love you had for the boy. You knew the time was perfect then and there.

“I’m ready babe,” you whispered cupping his cheeks with your hands.

“Are you one hundred percent sure princess?”

Nodding, you moved your hand to the back of Scott’s neck, pulling him into a soft kiss to prove that you were ready.

“Okay, let me take care of you sweetheart.”

Smiling against his ear, Scott slides his hands down your back slowly, moving to unbutton your pants. Pulling them down your legs and tossing them to the side, he moves to lift your shirt. 

Arching your back, you help him pull your shirt over your head, while he starts pressing kisses along your stomach. His fingers dancing along the waistline of your underwear. 

“You’re sure about this?” He asked again, looking up at you in case you had changed your mind. 

“I’ve never been more sure about something in my life, Scott.”

Giving you a small smile, Scott moves up to kiss you. You start slowly pressing kisses along his jawline and lifting the bottom of his shirt. Softly grunting, Scott pulls his shirt off and throws it to the side with yours before you start to fumble with the buckle of his pants.

Chucking, Scott helps you out and tugs them down his legs. Placing his hands back on your hips, his looks at you as if asking for permission. Giving him a small nod, Scott slides your underwear down your legs, smirking down at you. 

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